3 This fact alone proves that our mundane way of thinking is completely different from that of the SANTINER. If world peace would exist on Earth and if we would respect and understand one another, we would certainly come close to the way the SANTINER think and it would be very likely, that they would make official contact in that case, maybe even co-operate with mankind. But just thinking about this possibility seems too absurd to us. What can the SANTINER really do in a situation like that? We hear from them that they have a lot of patience with us. But they‘re on guard as never before. The development of the atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb and its associated dangers for the world are not just limited to this planet. Large cosmic interferences like that can disturb the equilibrium of the whole solar system - a catastrophe in the universe! - In spite of the humane way of thinking of the SANTINER, they have a true understanding of humaneness, they have to concentrate on the fact that they will be forced to say a few pertinent words on this Earth. At the moment their MESSAGES are relatively thinly spread, but we ascertain that they‘re not completely unknown; because various lectures and films prove that one knows quite a lot about them. Almost everybody connected with UFO research knows just who ASHTAR SHERAN is. He is more than just a commander of spaceships. He‘s also an unusual WORLD TEACHER. Most voices that reach us laud him in any possible way. But there are a few, certainly a minority, that finds fault with this WORLD TEACHER. Well, we all know that there isn‘t anyone on Earth that can produce the miracle of satisfying everybody equally - even the SON of GOD couldn‘t do this. We have looked at the comments of naggers more closely. They naturally concern religion. But we can‘t look at it from the perspective that our knowledge about GOD is actually correct. ASHTAR SHERAN is in this respect of a different opinion. To criticise him in this regard is probably a wrong speculation. We have to take into consideration that the SANTINER are way ahead of us right from the start. This fact alone is reason enough to give them more credibility than any earthly prophet or theologian. While ASHTAR SHERAN is perfectly aware of how deep we‘re stuck in our past and our traditions, he wisely encourages us to deliberate a lot more about the things GOD has done and is still doing, than to concern ourselves about what GOD is made of and what he might look like. GOD draws everything that‘s happening into his SPIRIT. HE has access to every thought people think. It is certainly part of his KNOWLEDGE, if a whole nation prepares for war. But mankind has its free will and if everything goes wrong in spite all divine PROJECTION, the CREATOR will also learn something from this failure. HE is the great OBSERVER everything is reported to. We know that the SANTINER represent a kind of „POLICE of the HEAVENS“. This isn‘t anything new, because they were doing this for more than 4,000 years - nothing has changed there. But it‘s written somewhere that the police are your friend and helper. We can therefore surely place our trust in our extra-terrestrial friends. The SANTINER will not give up their mission.