The hereafter - Addendum

-67 - On the strength of internationally coinciding spiritual cognitions it has at least been established that a dying person regains its consciousness within a few days to then become aware of its existence. This “resurrection of the spirit” can take place immediately after the disembodiment in lots of cases. • There is no “Judgment Day” the way the Christian churches imagines it and there is no uncertainty in regards to death. The result of this is that human souls in the hereafter recognise our world with awakened eyes and are able to enjoy all sensual perceptions. A “dead” person participates in the grief of those left behind and in many cases realises with shock that everything is different from the way it imagined it to be. It sees its friends and also its enemies the way they really are. The reverse is then revealed in most cases, namely where its revered “friends” turn out to be its hypocritical enemies. Many fights over the legacy they left behind nearly rob the “dead” of their mind. These are all weighty reasons why the “dead” despise us und wish to harm us where they can. Once again: • Researching the hereafter is enormously important and should clearly attract more financial support than all preparations for war. This is where a developmental error shows up that demonstrates why we are scrutinised by human beings from other star systems, because the people on Earth are dangerous! Questions and answers November 1974 Question : We heard from an otherworldly being that he gradually became younger and younger over time. Is this retrogressive process a LAW and if so, does this take one back to the state of an infant or even a baby? ELIAS : The fact that a departed soul becomes younger over time is correct. There is however a limit and it is somewhere in the middle. • This limit would correspond to an age of 30 to 40 years of your reckoning. One can therefore say that we in the hereafter enjoy the best of age and remain so for a long time. An old man does not remain an old man. But he certainly does not end up an infant in the hereafter either. This process can take hours, but it can also stretch over a number of years. It all depends on the SPHERE the now otherworldly being finds itself. • The HIGHER SPHERES accelerate this process of rejuvenation. Everything depends on the spiritual development that already took place on Earth. • EMINENT BEINGS can certainly change their appearance, but not for long. They can therefore appear before their relatives they way they remember them. The regeneration process is irrevocable in any case even though it takes place over different periods of time. One’s tremendous power of thought can naturally create