The hereafter - Addendum

-61 - psychologists found out soon enough that it does not work without teaching children obedience. • It is however a case of when the child has to obey, because the actual will of the child should not be suppressed. It is therefore a case of being very consequential, because there are taboos children also have to respect. April 1973 Question : Children die at various levels of development. Are these children accommodated uniformly in the spiritual realm? ELIAS : There is a kind of school in the hereafter. This is where children are accommodated and schooled in different classes. The children are brought up with LOVE. June 1973 The exploration of the spiritual realm Questions for the leader of the circle Herbert Viktor Speer: Question : Is there telepathy between a deceased person and a living person? Speer : I definitely have to say yes. Every human being is in constant contact with the spiritual realm without being conscious of it. I received some very impressive evidence in this regard. Question : What kind of evidence? Speer : During a period when I was particularly clairaudient I was able to perceive every spirit that came near me. I could even overhear the conversations they had with one another. Clairaudience is of course very difficult to explain, but it doesn’t hinder one’s own thought processes. It is as if one is listening to a conversation on the radio and at the same time thinks about what is being said – the difference being that this process is not acoustic; it takes place in one’s consciousness. This connection absolutely convinced me of the existence of the spiritual realm. Question : What makes you say that every human being is telepathically connected with the hereafter? Speer : An otherworldly GUIDE and I conducted a number of experiments concerning this matter in order to show me what happens. I was asked a question I was supposed to answer. It was kind of a quiz. I contemplated the question, found an answer and formulated this answer in my mind. The otherworldly GUIDE then answered: “The answer might be correct, but in spite of all your deliberations it is not from you, I suggested it to you.” I was speechless. I was asked a new question. I once again contemplated the question and formulated an answer. The otherworldly who gave me this lesson said: