The Bible - Addendum

Years 1956-1968 (incomplete) The Star of Bethlehem The Holy Scriptures is a book of divine revelations. Revelations are messages for mankind. They can be given in various forms, so for instance through the arts , through the word , through the language of nature , through one’s disposition and feelings or through the amplification of the senses . Ever since CHRIST indicated the right paths to maintain this connection to GOD, this divine connection will never tear asunder. These divine biblical revelations have not come to an end with the last page of the Holy Scriptures, these messages (new revelations) continue to increase in times of human adversity and they verify GOD’S great LOVE and his ORGANIZATION. CHRIST established this organization of MESSENGERS of LIGHT and they are at our disposal. Those that want to hear GOD’S word or experience HIS help through JESUS CHRIST are not hindered in any way unless they are hindered by their doubts . Those that get rid of their doubts, that is to say, their disbelief, clear all ways for divine understanding. GOD wants us to hear HIM. CHRIST wants us to understand him. His words are not a plethora of academic gobbledygook, but the simple words of the average citizen. There was a period of time in human history where mankind had severed all connections to GOD. GOD answered with one great REVELATION. HE let nature speak for HIM, because his WORDS were no longer understood in any other way. HE mobilised heaven and earth and this resulted in the DELUGE, the punishment. There was a time when mankind no longer utilised licit psychic abilities and when GOD no longer had mediators (terrestrial mediums) that could reveal GOD’S unclouded word; and whatever had been already given and written down, was falsely interpreted. This is when GOD sent a MEDIATOR, a direct MEDIUM. He incarnated one of his best souls, that is to say, HE sent us a TEACHER, a PROCLAIMER, a SAVIOUR. He is called the PRINCE of PEACE - JESUS CHRIST. A spaceship preceded this revelation and its aura illuminated the site of the birth. Heavenly beings materialised and proclaimed to the people: PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARDS MEN! And these days? Once again GOD sends us a revelation. Once again spaceships appear with brilliant rays. Once again heavenly BEINGS materialise and call out: PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS! PEACE THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE! AMEN!