Spiritualism versus Spiritism - Addendum

47 Answer : This is not correct, because everybody is capable and called upon. It does not rely on a specific way of effectuation. Everyone should help according to their capabilities. Question : The sector Spiritualism is presently affected by a lot of nonsense: False mediums, useless mediums, impostors and false prophets ply their trade. All of them cause Spiritualism a lot of damage and they give genuine mediums and the pioneers of the truth a bad name. How can one counteract this nonsense? ELIAS : One has to publicly denounce these impostors and deadbeats. Objection : Reporters already do this. ELIAS : Reporters and journalists drag everything through the mud, even goodness. They do not know the difference. This is why this criticism must come more from within one’s own ranks . A lot of so-called experts are unfortunately not capable of criticism. Once the public feels that spiritualists remain silent about these ribaldries, they naturally tar them with the same feathers. Any tolerance is inappropriate here. GOD’S name is not here to be abused! They should take a good look at themselves! We are dealing with traitors to the truth here and they represent a danger to the public. To show tolerance to such elements is akin to committing a crime. Here is a pointer: • Spiritualism is not frowned upon, but the concept of spiritism unfortunately is. These two words, ergo concepts, are continuously confused with one another. May 1969 Question : Spiritualistic research is still no taken serious at universities. Why is this so? Answer : Academic researchers turn to the wrong mediums and circles, because they are looking rather more for sensations than HIGHER INSIGHTS. They therefore already get stuck at the beginning. Due to their atheistic attitude, they quite often become victims of base spirits. One can talk about research when a circle has developed honourably through and through. But when the search and the experiments are disingenuous, only conducted to satisfy one’s base desires, one can no longer call it research, it is then only a blasphemy contrary to nature. • Truthful research has our approbation. Question : One often gives a medium a difficult assignment. All of Spiritualism is negated if the medium cannot fulfil this assignment. How can one change this situation? AREDOS : The assignments given do not help with providing evidence. These questions and assignments are often fatuous . The medium has however taken on the mission of verifying the existence of the WORLD of the SPIRIT. Just how this is going to happen must be left in the hands of the WORLD of the SPIRIT, because it only knows what is allowed and what is not. Besides, only the WORLD of the SPIRIT knows what is possible; it knows the boundaries.