Spiritualism versus Spiritism - Addendum

44 Question : Psycho-scientific insights are deliberately ignored and shown open hostility towards. Is there an opportunity to fend this off? ELIAS : Goodness is unfortunately forced to perform a kind of subversive activity. During major wars, underground movements had to help goodness to prevail with great idealism. Psycho-science, respectively Spiritualism suffers a similar fate. This is something that we have to accept. Question : The psycho-scientific doctrine about the survival of one’s personality encounters strong resistance with lots of people, because people do not want to be observed by invisible BEINGS in their private life. The very thought of being observed at everything one does is abhorrent to them. What do you say to this? Answer : You certainly have your private life, nobody interferes with it. As I emphasised before, there are no eavesdroppers or spies where we are. You are being observed because the ones that love you are close to you. This certainly doesn’t mean that they would behave in a manner alien to their own spiritual nature. Wanton curiosity is an alien concept to them. You are observed because a spiritual BAND connects you with them. The desire to share their life with yours to enjoy your joys and to stand by you in hours of worries and hardships. This is something you should be extremely pleased about, you should certainly not worry about it, because it shows you that the PROTECTION and the CARE of those that love you and are therefore close to you, holds sway over you. Objection : Otherworldly THOUGHT BEARERS are probably not more curious than in the here and now. Answer : No, those in the WORLD of the SPIRIT are not more curious than is the case here on Earth. On the contrary – actually somewhat less so, because the LAWS are more strictly observed in our WORLD than in yours. Question : Do you hold the opinion that Spiritualism will one day be elevated to become the world’s religion? Answer : Almost all exiting religious denominations continue to disintegrate. The time is nigh where one demands more from one’s religion than blind trust or blind obedience. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the existing churches will be dissolved. On the contrary – they will be refreshed through the discovery of new spiritual facts. The churches will in future serve the truth better than it has been the case in the past. Innovations always find it hard to establish themselves when opposed by enormous prejudices, dogmas and traditions . • Modern research into the hereafter has a very great future. (Comment: Japanese Spiritualism , enjoying far more public acceptance than here, avoids using the term “spirits”. The proscribed terms like “ghosts” and “spirits” have been replaced by the term of “OTHERWORLDLY BEARERS of THOUGHTS”, in order to make it clear that the deceased still possess their clear consciousness. The Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin endorses this idea.)