Spiritualism versus Spiritism - Addendum

34 • About 80% of today’s house spiritism is based on pure blasphemy. This high percentage encourages the Christian Churches to speak out against Spiritism . We also find a passage in the Old Testament that forbids any communication with the dead. There is however no evidence that this interdiction is a revelation. We rather think that one had bad experiences when communicating with the hereafter in biblical times also. • This interdiction on the other hand once again verifies that communicating with the dead is possible. This in turn contradicts the dogma of “eternal peace” and “eternal rest” for the deceased. We hold the opinion that there is little merit in talking to the deceased. It is indeed easy to ascertain that one deals with genuine spirits, but to establish the real identity of a deceased person is very difficult or downright impossible to do even for experts. • Base spirit entities like to pretend to be relatives or adopt sonorous names in order to enhance their importance. Most people who deal with Spiritism usually have a completely false concept of the hereafter and its spirits. Spirit beings are not omniscient , their intelligence and experience actually varies a lot . This is why it is important to establish contact with really experienced and intelligent spirit entities. This is however not easy. We must basically not forget that the residents of the hereafter we are dealing with are human beings . Like us, these people have their strengths and weaknesses . • We also ascertained that every political conversation summons base, well actually demonic entities onto the scene. This fact allows us to recognise that politics is a very sinful business. This is the reason why we can only talk about this theme in a guarded and careful manner. • We also observed that every conversation that includes GOD’S antagonist, namely Lucifer, also conjures up demons. Heaven and hell make a clear-cut appearance. Further evidence that these concepts have not been invented, that they actually have their justification. Heaven and hell are of course different from the way the Churches visualise them. All great mediums had coincidental experiences with the world of the hereafter. All encountered demons. This is probably the real reason why the Churches are against all contacts with the hereafter. There is however a wonderful REALM we call “heaven” besides the demonic. • One can however overcome the demonic and establish a connection with the SPHERES of LIGHT with sincere LOVE and the best of intentions. We have absolutely verified this, but nothing just falls into one’s lap – one has to make an effort .