Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

59 August 1974 Reincarnation The sciences are the church’s greatest enemies. Through serious research into the laws of nature, they confute the church’s outdated dogmas. It is therefore quite remarkable that the sciences now deal with reincarnation. In a nation that is generally called ungodly, the state’s institutes investigate reincarnation. This happens with money from the USSR. • Reincarnation played a major role in all terrestrial religions. – Only the Christian Church eradicated this doctrine in order to lend more pertinence to its own dogmas. Buddhism with all its branches does indeed avow to reincarnation, but has twisted this insight in spite of this. Animals are naturally also re-embodied, because this is a law of nature no creature through out the universe can avoid. A human being is however re-embodied as a human being. A bird is re-embodied as a bird , a horse as a horse and a cow as a cow etc. • Every creature is born again on Earth in the same form. The Buddhist doctrine is therefore incorrect. The sacredness of animals is therefore nonsense. Within this development of life, human beings have a very specific assignment. In regards to their powers of reasoning, they represent the most important and highest life form. A cow has no opportunity to develop its mind or to refine itself, but people were given this chance. They unfortunately make false or very little use of it. • Many animal species, like for instance fish, possess a group soul. Their death is meaningless; they have no individual soul, but possess a common instinct. This type of research is an especially hot potato in the USSR. A person that dies is very seldom reincarnated right away. There are cases where a renascence occurred after more than one thousand years. This depends completely on the spiritual development. When the spiritual development is advanced enough, one takes on certain voluntary MISSIONS. Whether a renascence is justified depends on these MISSIONS and they are always a service on behalf of mankind or creation. The highest level of development is angelic, it excludes reincarnations, and this is where the concept of ETERNAL LIFE stems from. But angels have also fallen to a point where they had to reincarnate again. The only exceptions in regards to renascence are GOD and his ANTAGONIST. It is therefore impossible for GOD to have been incarnated ever – where would he incarnate from? A direct descendent of GOD does not exist, only souls he created. Certain church dogmas are pure inventions and there is not one iota of truth about them. It therefore comes as no surprise that some powerful nations recognise the fact that dogmas exist that are pure fantasy, designed to lead mankind astray. But it isn’t right to thus discriminate against an ideology to a degree where it ends up looking like some absolute superstition. This is a blasphemy, religious persecution and preposterous to nature! Ethics and some truth are to be found in all religions. This truth is incredibly precious and it must be made crystal clear. But the fanaticism stoked by the antagonist is unfortunately so pronounced and powerful that every attempt to make progress here has been exposed as impossible.