Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

56 Scientific research into reincarnation has brought a strange phenomenon to light: The cause of death plays an important role with the reincarnated that can remember their past life reasonably accurately. • One finds that with accidents that result in severe damage to the body, the reincarnated might show scar-like skin blemishes where the damage occurred. The soul is supposed to be inviolable or it should at least heal completely in the hereafter, but the scars of those so killed or the loss of a limb, clearly shows. When contemplating this further, it seems to be important to find out whether people exhibit physical similarities when they are reincarnated again. What happens when we’re dealing with organ transplants? How will the reincarnated organ react? – And what is the deal when we’re dealing with severe physical afflictions, like for instance rheumatism? Is there a possibility that these afflictions show in one form or another in the new body? This would bring a whole new perspective to this type of research. When dealing with criminal acts, one likes to trace a person’s existence right back to its ancestors in order to explain the committed crime. One likes to mention “genetic encumbrance”. But in regards to reincarnation it might well be that the past incarnation plays a major role – and that fragments of past behaviourisms can trigger present day actions. We are therefore not dealing with genetic encumbrances from parents, but from one’s own past life, being disposed towards certain illnesses not only through one’s parents, but from a previous past life. Researching reincarnation is extremely important when it comes to investigating the human existence. One must however not allow oneself to be influenced by church-dogmatic thought when undertaking such research, otherwise progress is arrested. The poet and writer Tolstoy wrote: “The way we experience thousands of dreams during our terrestrial existence, this life is just one of thousands of lives. Our terrestrial life is just the dream of a different, greater life and so on unto infinity to the very last life, which is GOD’S existence.” Most eminent thinkers have expressed a positive opinion in regards to reincarnation. Only the churches are not fond of renascence, because it interferes with their faith, that is to say, more with their dogmas of “eternal heaven” and “eternal damnation”. This damnation the church propagates allows them to collect a lot of money. June 1974 Reincarnation The doctrine of reincarnation is more important than any religious faith. It ensures the knowledge about one’s otherworldly existence at the same time. Just why the churches defend their position against reincarnation is hardly comprehensible. No human being is able to recognise the meaning of life if it does not accept reincarnation. Any other interpretation would only confirm that nature is boundlessly idiotic, because it develops something