Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

48 your demise, according to your assertion it should therefore also be possible for you to be born again from this nothingness at a specific time. What do you say to this?” “Yes, you are correct, but one cannot remember anything in this nothingness.” “What has memory to do with one’s existence?” “When one is dead the brain dissolves and one can no longer think.” “There are verified cases where people were still able to think even though their brain matter was already reduced to a fluid. Can you remember everything that ever happened in your life?” “No, not everything.” “But you experienced all of these moments even though you do no longer remember them. How are you going to explain this?” “This is remarkable, I never gave this a thought.” “You now live on this Earth, but you cannot remember your past lives. This doesn’t mean that you didn’t live a past life, respectively lived a previous reincarnation.” “No, I cannot contradict this. But where does the information that people have many lives come from?” “There are people that possess a kind of ultra-range in regards to their remembrances. These people can remember fragments of their past life. Their statements were tested and one had to acknowledge that their remembrances were correct. And then there are contacts with the hereafter – and the INTELLIGENCES that live there can give us details about the life there. Do you believe that your spirit can advance its development, if you fatten your body?” “No, that is probably unlikely.” “The spirit is therefore guided by different LAWS. The doctrine of reincarnation is mankind’s oldest religious axiom. Man’s very existence makes no sense without renascence.” October 1973 Reincarnation During this bodacious period in time, when the DIVINE wrestles with the DEMONIC in an outrageous contention, at a time of senseless, insane wars and armaments on behalf of the greatest battle within living memory, the CREATOR opened the door to the spiritual realm to allow us a look inside. • GOD hereby revealed himself! ESP research, also intensively practiced behind the Iron Curtain, verifies the existence of the spiritual realm and above everything else, the existence of the human soul with its incredible potential. The Soviet Union, solidly bound by its thesis of sociological contemplations, doesn’t know how to deal with these truths. Communism’s most powerful thesis, namely that consciousness is supposed to be tied to physical matter and cannot exist without it, has been scientifically refuted. This is why one avoids the appellation of “soul” and uses “energetic body” instead. But what can a change of appellation achieve when the concept remains the same?