Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

42 But then there are also souls that are afraid of reincarnation, they would not like to return to Earth. The LAW of reincarnation is however coercive, as coercive as terrestrial death. We can read in the bible that CHRIST warned about a SECOND DEATH. One can certainly assume that he meant dying in the hereafter to be born again. • The ideal situation for all human beings is naturally to live in a HIGHER SPHERE. Life in these REGIONS however demands a high degree of selfless service on behalf of mankind. Those that fulfil the TASK of this MISSION are not about to be reincarnated again soon. Our spiritual GUIDES, with whom we have entertain ed contact for over 20 years, verify through their faithfulness and friendship that they were not re-embodied, because they are fulfilling their MISSION of ELUCIDATION. All of these things should actually be part of church doctrines. It is simply incomprehensible that the churches are unwilling to receive instructions from the spiritual realm. We all know from experience how objectionable it is when people are unwilling to accept a principle. Church representatives are the very prototypes of refusal when it comes to being instructed. Human beings are divided in two, an exterior, transient terrestrial human being and an inner, immortal SPIRIT BEING. The spiritual HUMAN BEING is imperishable and constantly developing. May 1973 Reincarnation There are numerous phrases that speak against renascence. One phrase states: “You only live once.” – Such phrases can program a person’s whole thought process. The church’s dogmatic reasoning balked at the doctrine of reincarnation, because it stands in the way of their dogma of “eternal heaven” and “eternal damnation”. Churches hardly ever reform their way of thinking. International spiritualism is in complete agreement in regards to the question of renascence. Alleged contradictions stem from the profane house-spiritism, because it is dominated by base spirits. Without having experienced a chain of reincarnation, people would not be able to cope with life on Earth and they would soon go under. Logical thought alone tells us that it would be impossible for people to acquire the required intelligence to deal with the existing situation here, if they had not acquired it through experience during many past lives. One talks about “genetic factors”, but these particular vital factors are not based on genetic factors inherited from one’s progenitors, they rather stem from all those past live s that reach way back to primeval times. People might generally not be able to remember their past lives, but they are intuitively influenced by them just the same. Just how powerful these intuitions can be is verified by people’s interests in primitive Negro music: Jungle drums also have a powerful influence on so-called civilised people. There are a lot of characteristics that indicate past stages. From the very beginning of man’s