Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

3 • One of GOD’S students who failed to make the next grade of refinement can repeat that grade once again or even a number of times. The length of stay in the OTHER world depends in most cases on one’s own will. The departed therefore has a strong influence on the duration of their stay in the hereafter. Exceptions are always possible in special cases. • Reincarnation facilitates spiritual cleansing and higher development . If people do not pass the test, they can regress to such a degree in severe repetition cases, where they will be reincarnated on a planet with a very low level of development . Highly developed people can be born again on planets with a higher level of development. • Reincarnation takes parents , location , astrological constellations , the GUARDIAN ANGEL and the past life as well as Karma into consideration. All of these components are coordinated with each another; they should help with the development of the character and the personality. Questions and answers Question : What prerequisites are required with reincarnation ? Must a reincarnation eventuate from a specific SPHERE or can it happen unsolicited? ARGUN : An unsolicited willingness certainly plays a role. When people want to voluntarily incarnate, they will be without having to wait too long. This desire alone annuls having to sluice through further HIGHER SPHERES. It is not required, because the ones that want to be reborn, reveal through this desire that they are not interested in spiritual ASCENSION. They therefore return to a world inhabited by flesh and blood people and to conditions that are adapted to their own SOUL’S COSMOS. Do you know what I mean? – Evil people would encounter quite unfavourable conditions. Question : Do people (souls) from various nations express the wish to live amongst their own kind? ARGUN : Yes, such souls exist and they regard it below their dignity to be with beings of a different nature. This is however not according to GOD’S wishes. Question : According to this, reincarnation is not always assigned, but rather one’s own wish – or is it assigned from ABOVE after all? ARGUN : No, it is often one’s wish . But reincarnation can also be a blessing or a chastisement. Think of the innumerable worlds throughout the intangible universe, they are GOD’S testing grounds. Question : Are you able to recognise people’s past lives? ARGUN : Yes, I can tell you about it, but to a limited degree. Every one of you has lived innumerable times, here on Earth and on other planets. Every one of you already stood close to the LORD’S throne, every one also fell by the wayside too, but in spite of all the trials and tribulations, you will succeed in remaining ABOVE. Question : Does one retain something from the previous live? ARGUN : Yes, absolutely, but one’s memory about it is lacking most of the time. There are an