Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

24 informed and trained SPIRIT TEACHERS do not have an absolute overview in regards to reincarnation. Reincarnation represents a certain mystery for them also, one that is not easily lifted. But in spite of this we can say that reincarnation is a reality and that one cannot doubt this fact. The time intervals between renascences are unknown, but very well advanced souls can be re- embodied on another planet. Reincarnation represents the most important prerequisite for the human evolution. There are cases where otherworldly souls spend centuries in the spiritual realm without being reincarnated. But on the other hand we heard of cases where a reincarnation took place immediately after somebody’s disembodiment. • It seems to be a case where the duration of an otherworldly sojourn depends on the soul’s level of development as well as on the service the soul provides mankind with. In as far as a soul is willing to be trained as a GUARDIAN ANGEL , thereby providing support to its protégé, a GUARDIAN SPIRIT can remain a whole lifetime at the side of its protégé, learning with it and either regress or advance in the process. Unrefined souls do not have a good time in the hereafter. Their presence there can end up in great agony. This is the reason why these souls virtually hanker to be back on Earth where they led an unbridled, consumption-oriented life. They try to incarnate illegally and they succeed every now and then, but this considerably arrest their own development. Questions and answers June 1969 Question : Is it the right thing to do to deal with remembrances of a past life? ELIAS : To not remember anything that happened during a past existence is one of GOD’S great blessings, one that should not be rejected. People ought to lead a completely new life on Earth, one that is, if at all possible, unencumbered by all past mistakes and sins. • But once people return to the spiritual realm, they are able to remember a number of terrestrial existences. They then gain a pretty good insight into their own character and find out what kind of person they are. There is however a different kind of remembrance: When somebody has a great yearning for a specific country or when the sense of being at home is very powerful, as well as when a yearning for dear, lost people makes an appearance, such memories can be terrible and they have caused many an unexplained suicide. • Therefore look ahead and not back! – Live in the presence, avoid past mistakes and look to the future with confidence. * * * * * * * July 1969