Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

17 • When a spirit being disputes reincarnation, it verifies in the process that it is not an eminent spirit being, but that it would like to be regarded an eminent spirit being. This is how discrepancies arise. A genuine EMINENT SPIRIT BEING, respectively a TEACHER does not join a spiritual circle just like that. This is simply no possible. Question : What conditions have to be in place before an EMINENT SPIRIT BEING makes contact? Speer : It depends on the purity of heart of the participants. But this alone is still not enough. The participants must be prepared through years of training to advance to a degree where their VIBRATIONS approach the VIBRATIONS of THE HIGHER SPHERES. Contact with EMINENT SPIRITS can be immediately interrupted if there is just one unsuitable guest or beginner amongst the participants. One tiny thought suffices. This however doesn’t prevent less eminent spirits from being very talkative. These spirit entities can only report about the thing they know, but most of the time their knowledge is only similar to the knowledge most people on Earth already possess. • An EMINENT spirit has the kind of paramount KNOWLEDGE that immediately demands admiration from every circle participant. There are spirits (souls) that do not like to be called “ghosts”, because this denotation has been discredited by those spirits that take great pleasure in playing hoaxes on the members of the circle. There are even intellectual souls amongst them and they are extremely good at dressing things up to be credible. The circle participants’ own inner attitude is however always to blame when this happens. These circles might have continuous , genuine contact, but they will not progress one single step in their development. On the contrary, these circles are a blemish in the eyes of psycho science. If they are censured, they turn aggressive and take revenge in one form or another. – And then there are individual mediums that work without any established PROTECTION. Spirits can tell these mediums that they are “dear God” in person. The individual medium ends up in rapture and believes the greatest nonsense, particularly when beautiful, prosaic phrases are used and promises are made. Scientific logic is no blasphemy! It towers way over any theological phraseology. February 1967 The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer) The doctrine of re-embodiment is certainly nothing new, nor is it a purely spiritual concept. This doctrine already existed in biblical times and it had a prominent place within religion at that time. • The whole doctrine of reincarnation was extirpated from the Christian doctrine by a majority decision in AD 553. 2 This eliminated the most important factor of the psycho-scientific doctrine. Ever since those times, the Christian doctrine has been adulterated through one untruth or another. The results have been catastrophic: Millions of graves verify this mistake. Lie after lie has been 2 See the first protocol “Reincarnation and karma” and its addendum with extracts from church books on this theme.