Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

15 April 1966 Question : We are continuously able to ascertain that reincarnation is the most important insight in regards to understanding the WORLD of SPIRIT. One has removed this jewel from the crown of religious insights. Can we clarify questions about incarnation with you to a point where we can establish certain norms for it? ELIAS : One cannot establish norms for the concept of reincarnation. Certain established norms also do not have overall validity. This is not a factor with people and their development. The things that serve people’s development are done – and because of their decisions they are to blame that “norms” have to be changed because of them. Accepting reincarnation can represent a foundation stone for a divine faith of the greatest of doubters. They can build their faith on reincarnation. October 1966 The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer) A lot of thought has been given to the human brain’s activity, but one has been incapable of solving the mystery of man’s intelligence. With all of these deliberations one has come to the conclusion that the brain, respectively its substance, develops engrams, that is to say, permanent traces of mental impression that can be played back like a tape-recorder cassette. This idea is often still being expressed even now, even though it is absolutely misleading according to our research. If one can promote the idea of engrams at all, one can only do so on a COSMIC BASIS. The theory of brain engrams can be definitely refuted. The five year old son of a fisherman, Kosras Janaika from the island of Tinos in the Aegean Sea , neither learned to read nor write because he was too young to go to school. This five-year-old boy was the toast at universities, because he solved the most complicated mathematical problems with ease. This example alone suffices to explain that Kosras Janaika’s brain did not work with engrams. It therefore has no similarity to a computer (calculator). This boy had no experience in mathematics. Such engrams simply couldn’t exist. So where did he get his paramount knowledge from? We are not dealing with talent here, because mathematics is based on experience that requires a certain amount of practise. According to spiritual experiences, there is another definition for this: • At age five, this young boy still had a very strong connection to his past life. The FREQUENCY of a past terrestrial life had not completely abated. He therefore had a COSMIC CONNECTION to memory engrams that are stored within the COSMOS. His experience in mathematics was based on a previous incarnation. We are not dealing with an isolated case. Child prodigies are no rarity! A number of spiritualists might dispute that reincarnation is the answer, but there is however enough terrestrial evidence that reincarnation is a fact. We tried to explain these contradictions with the following results: