
80 3.0 Thoughts on reincarnation by the great thinkers of the West Compiled by Eva Diller ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jakob Böhme (1575-1624) Consider that you are not at home in this world, but merely a guest, trapped in a solid prison. Search for your FATHERLAND, from where your soul emigrated and to where it should go again. G. E. Lessing (1729-1781) Why should I not return as often as necessary for me to gain new knowledge and new abilities? Or because I forget, that I have been here before? Just as well, that I forget it. Remembering my previous circumstances would not serve me well in my present situation. And what I have to forget for now, do I forget this for eternity? J. W. v. Goethe (1749-1832) To Eckermann: I am certain to have been here a thousand times and I hope to return a thousand times more. The conviction about our continuance springs from the concept of activity; then if I restlessly work to the end, nature has the responsibility to provide me with another form of existence, if my present form cannot cope with my spirit anymore. To Charlotte von Stein: Pray tell, what fate prepares for us, pray tell, how finely it binds us - so precise? You were in times gone by, my sister or my wife. To Wieland about Frau v. Stein: I cannot explain in any other way, the significance and the power that this woman has over me, than by the transformation of the soul. Yes, we were once man and wife. From the poem “Gesang the Geister über den Wassern”: The human soul is like water. It comes from the sky; it rises to the sky, and back to earth it must, forever changing.