
74 intolerance and fanaticism. The drawn-out differences of opinion about Origen, which reached its zenith under Justinian, denotes the end of much, which was noble and enlightened in the early tradition of Greek Christianity. 2.6 The resul ts of the anathemas With the condemnation and with it the removal of knowledge about the pre-existence of the soul before the physical body and the final return of all fallen souls to GOD, their CREATOR, the basis for reincarnation and re-embodiment of the soul in the flesh in Church doctrine, was removed; even the thought about it didn’t have to appear in Church doctrine. Into this theological vacuum, the following could be dogmatically safeguarded in the course of Church history: 1. The creation of the souls by GOD at the moment of procreation of the physical body. 2. The doctrine of original sin . 3. The apparent indispensable function of grace of the common Church. 4. Eternal hellfire for all human souls not living in the Church system, after their earthly demise. The mistakes made in 543 A.D. and 553 A.D. are comparable - even if much more grave and momentous for the individual soul of believers within the arena Church influence - with the mistake of the year 1633: Galileo proved that the Earth turned around the sun and not the other way. According to Church dictum, this discovery was a h e t e r o d o x y , which stands contrary to the literal interpretation of the bible. Only in 1983, 3 5 0 y e a r s a f t e r , did the Vatican a c c e p t the teachings of Galileo by rehabilitating this physicist, whom they forced to recant the truth recognised by him and today considered common place, through two inquisition processes and the threat of torture!  How long will the Church wait, until it accepts the LAW of REINCARNATION and reinstates it, respectively accepts it back into their holy books? - In the case of the doctrine of reincarnation, 1 4 4 0 y e a r s have passed! The fatal flaw is that the knowledge about reincarnation has not just been crossed out of Church doctrine, but also completely from common consciousness , completely also from the spiritual life of the occident.  This is why man lives a random life, without knowledge and according to his own judgment, without even considering what is going to happen after physical death. He doesn’t realise that his soul will return with the same faults and weaknesses, to continue its ignorant and aimless life in a new earthly garment, picking up from where it had stopped to function in a previous life before its physical death. One recognises how s e n s e l e s s suicide is!