
68 automatically became Gods and found entrance into the temple halls. Christianity put an end to these customs.  The biblically accepted fact of reincarnation proved to be a hindrance now: how could she enter eternity as a goddess, when all people were born again? What would prevent her from being born again a common person, possibly a common beggar? As long as the belief in reincarnation was embedded in the conscience of Christians, the people would never accept her as a goddess. She knew that. Therefore the doctrine of reincarnation had to be eliminated, lock, stock and barrel. Theodora selected the monophysistic monks as willing helpers, who were soon after released from their anathema. They now wanted to make sure, that the doctrine of reincarnation was completely removed from all Church documents. One would think that such an endeavour was practically impossible. But Theodora had her own agents spread all over the empire and she made sure, that “her” monks would slowly gain control over the leadership of the Church. Now the entire power of the Byzantine Caesar was at her disposal, as Justinian had become a willing tool, long ago. Was Caesar possessed? It wasn’t just the secular power, which accomplished this calamity. Demonic powers were at play here, who recognised their chance and used it. Then:  If one would succeed in taking away the belief in reparation for their bad deeds and the ensuing reincarnation, one would not only undermine their feelings of responsibility, but also make them feel helpless and futile. People would forget about their true divine goal of purification. Instead they would wait for a redemption, that never happens this way, because every human being can only redeem themself through self-knowledge. Such a humanity would easily deliver itself and the world to evil. In Theodora and Justinian, the dark forces found a couple of helpers of great influence. It doesn’t surprise then, that one reported from both of them, that they were possessed. Their contemporary, the history scribe Procopius especially mentions in his “Apocrypha” numerous examples. He tells us about a monk who travelled to Constantinople, to present to Caesar an injustice done to some farmers. He was immediately presented. But the monk hardly put a foot inside the throne-room when he flinched and drew back. He refused to go before Caesar and rushed back to his quarters all scared. There he told the attendant, he saw the “Lord of the demons” sitting on the throne and his presence was so terrible, that he could not bear it. The reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) saw on the Wartburg clairvoyantly one of Lucifers vassals, at whom he threw an inkwell. The demon which the monk caught sight of, was therefore not his own product of phantasy, but a reality from the astral plane, which, as a rule we cannot perceive anymore these days. At another place, Procopius cites the mother of Justinian, who ones confessed to her confidantes, that Justinian was not the son of Sabbatius, her husband, nor the son of any other man, but that he was procreated by a demon.