Psychic abilities and mediums

exercise power over others and there are no positive aspects to be found in this. Crimes are committed and those involved sometimes point their weapons against themselves. Young people and adults participate in equal measure. Many of them end up in clinics for nervous disorders with their nerves in tatters. But there is more than demonology! This fact is often knowingly kept a secret or distorted. The best protection here is one’s personal attitude and one’s inner connection with GOD and JESUS CHRIST. GOD’S world is very active, otherwise there would not have been anybody living on Earth for quite some time. But certain positive prerequisites are necessary in order for LIGHT ENTITIES to be able to perform their work. GOD’S HELPERS want to have an educational effect in order to save mankind from falling into the abyss. But people have to be willing to be saved to begin with and they have to learn to ask for help. It is a case of establishing a durable friendship with positive SPIRIT TEACHERS and the questions asked should be, ethically speaking, immaculate. All religions of the world developed through psychic means. This fact is often forgotten these days. Due to ignorance, spiritualism and spiritism are tarred with the same feather. There are also a lot of work circles who crave for the wrong kind of recognition, also mediums with an overrated sense of importance and they give the whole serious research a bad name and cause a lot of damage to the cause. But apparently man possesses his divinely guaranteed free will and he may do as he pleases here on Earth, but in the final analyses bears the responsibility for his own actions. He, who wants to engage in serious psychic-scientific research, must first create order in this respect. Only one’s own example has the power of persuasion! Bad Salzuflen, July 1991 1. Theory and practice (Message from the SPHERES of LIGHT) Well, in most instances, man has to rely on theoretical advice. But only practice shows how far removed from theory practice really is. There is such a thing as theory and practice also in the humane disciplines, yes, even in spiritism and spiritualism . In as far as someone has the opportunity to put theory into practice, he is in a fortunate position to correct his opinion. But this opportunity does not always arise.  This opportunity is a rare event when it comes to researching the hereafter, because most of the time the necessary mediators ( good mediums) are lacking. But there is no research into this field of knowledge without suitable mediums! Most people must therefore be content to deal with theory. But this is a very important reason why the necessary dissemination of this TRUTH is lacking.  More practice would also generate more interest!