Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 2

PSYCHO-SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Editor: Rolf Linnemann (Certificated Engineer) * Steinweg 3b * 32108 Bad Salzuflen * Tel. (05222) 6558 Internet : E-Mail : Translator’s email: Protocol extracts from the Menetekel from the years 1956 to 1975. Theme : Psychic abilities and mediums 2. Addenda from the years 1968 to 1975 The following text was psychically received by the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin (MFK), a Christian/Spiritual community, between 1956 and 1975. The transmissions form a part of the Menetekel, a collection of protocols of around 4,500 A4 sized pages amassed over 20 years and they have recently been restructured. All of these mediumistic messages were left in their original form, even if similar questions were repeated. The work of the two automatic writing mediums, Monika-Manuela Speer and Uwe Speer, began when they were 15 and respectively 17 years old. The total production of the MFK-Berlin (Medialer Friedenskreis Berlin), the Menetekel and the 21 transmissions from the space-brothers are considered the absolute pinnacle of psycho-scientific research. Other spiritual circles have often tried to copy the work of the MFK, but its quality was never achieved. The reproduction and distribution of these rearranged messages and protocols is explicitly encouraged and is not covered by any copyright. Preface The medium must bring certain prerequisites into the equation for contact: It must believe in the survival of the human soul, it must be in favour of progress and it must be prepared to serve a good cause with lots of LOVE. Only these prerequisites make good co-operation with the positive spiritual realm possible. Psychic writing contact demands complete passivity from the medium. Its subconscious must also remain passive . Any interference from the medium’s own will deactivate the contact. These are the reasons why it is a mistake to assume that the medium operates unknowingly with its subconscious. The individuality of the controlling spirit is unmistakable in all genuine cases. A good medium shows no abnormal characteristics and like any other human being, holds down a job. The medium participates in the séances voluntarily and without being paid. Popularity or fame and fortune are not on the agenda. The psychic ability consists in making oneself completely passive and in allowing oneself to be guided by the otherworldly MESSENGERS of LIGHT without the slightest interference of one’s own will. This however requires some excellent training. The necessary main characteristic of the medium consists in its unselfish LOVE for all of mankind. This is the only way a good contact and therewith the truth can be guaranteed. But the circle’s participants must also bring these characteristics to the meetings! Bad Salzuflen, June 2009