Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 1

studied … Spiritualism is no longer prepared to listen to these people. Spiritualism has in the mean time become its own, independent science. This science now categorically disproves a whole series of wrong conclusions and fallacies within the existing empirical and exact sciences. These fourfold holders of doctorates fear the truth that gets rid of their glorified mistakes. The materially minded scientist, receiving his remuneration from the state, is afraid that he might lose his livelihood if he were to openly accept the truth – even though many of them already personally acknowledged the truth. But they lack the kind of courage the prophets in the Bible displayed as a shining example. People put their life on the line with their love for the truth! The courage of today’s fighters for the truth is not endangering their life anymore, but they are exposed to the mockery of their colleagues and they are forced to use their own money for research. GOD does not need cowards, HE needs courageous helpers! Don’t fool yourselves – because GOD will not allow himself to be made fun of! * * * * * * * Questions and answers – the other way round for a change ARGUN : Well, my dear friends, have you chosen a theme? I am ready and willing to answer your questions. Leader : How would it be if you were to ask us questions and we would try to answer them? This would be a good test of our development. ARGUN : We can do this if you like, but don’t think that it will be easy. Well now, we can start. Dear friend B.: What does the word “ psychic ” mean to you? (Comment: Various explanations were given, but they did not satisfy the spiritual GUIDANCE.) ARGUN : So I will tell you exactly what it means: Psychic is GOD’S word we verify, defend and explain with all the LOVE we can muster. – Different question: What do you expect from your GUARDIAN ANGEL if you are completely aware of a sin you committed? Participant: I hope and expect that my GUARDIAN ANGEL does not embarrass me in front of the circle. (Please think about this.) ARGUN : What do you expect from your FRIEND if he doesn’t help you in your greatest hour of need? Participant: (Didn’t have an answer) ARGUN : Well, I will tell you: I expect that he forgives me and that I can count on his support whenever I don’t believe in myself. – Different question: What do you hope will happen when you commit a positive deed?