Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 1

ARGUN : To work by oneself without PROTECTION is dangerous! The consequences could turn out catastrophic. You wouldn’t believe how one would attack you if just one untruth would set this circle back. I have now officially warned you! Those that write with you outside of the circle must give you their name and say GREETINGS in the name of GOD . It will not be one of us for the time being. You could however be dealing with other positive spirit beings . Please give me extracts from your contacts for control, I will examine them. (Comment: One can compliment this by saying that it is very important that when a medium establishes contact and really does something positive, it should immediately establish a circle with a number of dependable spirit friends and put all personal desires aside. Communal work in the spirit of JESUS CHRIST’S task of salvation is the best available PROTECTION and gradually leads to excellent results. The room should also always be the same and it must be kept sacrosanct. The public’s interest has priority over self-interests.) When the medium is “crazy” (Author H. V. Speer) A lot of disunity still reigns in the field of occultism. Spiritists continue to advocate the realm of the spirits and their opponents declare that all their assertions are deceptions and deceit. If there was a verifiable truth, it would surely have conquered the whole world long ago. About 2.5 billion people live on Earth (1956) and around 70 million of them are spiritists or spiritualists. Why is it that spiritualism is shown so much hostility towards that one is likes to portrait it as unscientific and as self-deception ? Mediums that function as mediators between this and the OTHER WORLD give us reports and messages from the hereafter we can sometimes only shake our heads about. How can a spirit who is talking to us as a deceased person appear in modern clothing or in some other fantastic outfit? Wouldn’t a departed soul actually have to walk around completely naked ? Scientists have actually contemplated this and because these reports repeat themselves, the medium must either be insane or “crazy”. These medium even mention flowers, towns, landscapes and technological marvels , often in a way that the fairytales in “Tales of 1001 nights” pale in comparison. This therefore has to be a confidence trick in order to beguile mankind, because life is much too serious to believe in fairytales like the Stork or the Easter Bunny. Here is the explanation for the phenomenon of otherworldly reporting. We have to differentiate between two things: • The here and now and the HEREAFTER. • Physical life and LIFE in the SPIRIT. • Course vibrations and ETHEREAL VIBRATIONS. We cannot materialise thoughts in our physical existence , we cannot transform them from their ETHEREAL STATE into coarse vibrations. To accomplish this is extremely difficult and occultism calls this materialisation respectively dematerialisation . Thoughts can plan a physical figuration with the available coarse vibrations (Physical matter) and the body – also consisting of coarse vibrations – can carry out the plan. This is how houses, aeroplanes etc come into being. Thoughts in themselves however remain thoughts and mental concepts, ergo objects of fantasy that only the spiritual EYES can see.