Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 1

Piousness and religious enthusiasm do not count. On the contrary – this is where dangers lurk! • With trance mediums, the messages are often distorted due to the fault of the medium. The subconscious offers mental barriers and also obstinacy, particularly in regards to dogmatic attitudes that cannot be overcome by the otherworldly. There are however some masterful trance mediums just the same. Psychic ability is nothing abnormal, but a natural gift for higher forms of communicating. * * * * * * * Questions and answers April 1967 Question : Is the medium’s OD-ENERGY usage less with questions about the spiritual than with questions about the physical? ARGUN : Considerably more favourable with spiritual questions. May 1967 Evidence for the genuineness of spiritual contacts consists in the fact that the medium is not capable of making contact with a specific SPIRIT GUIDE of its own accord. Medium and participants expressed their intense wish to make contact with the SPIRIT GUIDE ARGUN who led their circle for many years. It was not possible. Thereto the MESSENGER of LIGHT ELIAS: ELIAS : The medium I am presently writing with can unfortunately no longer write with ARGUN. This was possible in the past. It has to do with FREQUENCY. The OD- ENERGY of the medium is on the same FREQUENCY as that of ARGUN. This doesn’t work . The FREQUENCY of the terrestrial medium must be either somewhat below or somewhat above. July 1967 Contact with the hereafter depends on the preparations and also on a suitable instrument. The pencil as well as the paper is decisive: The pencil is pushed through the cork from a wine bottle so that the fingers will not get a cramp. The paper must be of above average size and have a specific smoothness . It is certainly not a case where the medium simply sits down and writes away. August 1967 It is important that the medium does not have a craving for recognition, but that it serves its assignment altruistically . The highest form of LOVE is LOVE for mankind. Only these motivations make it possible to maintain the connection with the HIGHER SPHERES. The dissemination of the truth is something else, ergo not something the medium is obliged to do.