Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 1

• All sins against the HOLY SPIRIT have a boomerang effect. You can read in the Holy Scriptures that all sins can be forgiven except those against the HOLY SPIRIT. The TEACHERS from the hereafter are part of the HOLY SPIRIT. The publisher of the “Weltspirale” should actually be aware of this. • The HOLY SPIRIT actually represents the CONNECTION between GOD and human beings. Questions for the leader of the Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin February 1964 Question : The medium answers question that are answered by other people, even if they allegedly live in the hereafter. Wherein lays the difference, ergo how can one presuppose that the answers come from OTHERWORLDLY BEINGS? Circle leader : The OTHERWORLDLY dispose over an incredibly fast mental capacity, because they don’t have to depend on a physical brain. This is the reason why the answer to every question is given without the slightest hesitation . Experience tells us that this is an achievement terrestrial people are incapable of. The OTHERWORLDLY surprise us in this respect. Question : One admits that mediums possess unusual abilities that come subconsciously into effect, but could we not dealing with an unusual effort of their subconscious? Circle leader : No, there are various reasons why this can be ruled out. An otherworldly TEACHER, like for instance ARGUN, finds the needle in the haystack instantly as it were. As if with x-ray eyes, he recognises the crux of a question. His answer is therefore absolutely logic and its formulation felicitous. • Terrestrial participants require a lot of time to give a remotely acceptable answer. • In addition to this comes the fact that the otherworldly are far better orientated about all events taking place in our world. They therefore include things in their answers neither the medium nor the participants could know. • Apart from this, the otherworldly are naturally informed about the spiritual realm. Only they can give us information about it, no terrestrial human being can. • The way the otherworldly express themselves is absolutely individual. • All accounts coincide with other communications most of the time. Even when mediums live separated by oceans, this accordance remains.