Psychic abilities and mediums - Addenda 1

excludes all abusive mannerisms. To achieve such a level of DEVELOPMENT still requires a lot of work here on Earth. Terrestrial people still entertain too many negative thoughts. Question : Why is it that there are some highly psychic people whilst others do not possess any psychic abilities whatsoever? ARGUN : Psychic abilities are a GIFT given to people when they are born. They are very diversely distributed . In regards to possession July 1963 Question : How do possessions come about? ARGUN : Possession tends to mean something completely different these days: An extraordinary level of enthusiasm or a particularly pronounced idealism is called “possession” nowadays . • A real POSSESSION is however the occupancy of a living human being by an otherworldly spirit. I will explain this in detail: Human beings have a physical form on Earth, their physical body and a spirit, meaning their genius and their soul, ergo their intelligence. People have to undergo training in this configuration up to a certain age. They then suddenly have to depend on themselves. They must then make use of their intelligence. • What individual people are all about comes to the surface at an average age of about 10 years. The actual human being then breaks through. This is the age when young people arrive at a point where they decide their life’s journey accordingly. They will have discarded their baby clothes by then and begin to mature. They endeavour to enrich their knowledge base. They then suddenly recognise that they’re able to make their own decisions and also assess what’s good or bad at their own discretion. • Once people have developed that far, they can fall prey to possessions – and this is why children under the age of ten are hardly ever candidates for POSSESSIONS. POSSESSIONS take place as follows: People concentrate too much on a specific point by pushing everything that’s regarded unimportant aside. They barricade themselves against their environment and live their life with a one-sided mental view of this point of interest. • By only having one single goal in mind day and night, they attract POSSESSION. This alienates them from the here and now and allows the HEREAFTER to dominate their life. This will open mental DOORS to their soul, this facilitates an entrance for the OTHERWORLDLY and they will break through the open AURA of their victim.