Politics - where will it lead us? - Addenda

36 ELIAS : German science will make great progress. Great discoveries and invention will for instance be made in the field of rocket technology. Germany does not have the same means at its disposal for this type of research and this is why it cannot proceed along the same avenues. But less expensive means can sometimes produce better results. Question : Will the political direction still be the same after Khrushchev’s fall from grace? ELIAS : The end-effect will be the same. The Russian people have woken up. They strive for freedom and more rights. Khrushchev gave them both in small measures, but at least enough for the Russians to realise what they had achieved – and the Russian people now want more and more. This situation will not remain like this, because the Russians not only look to the West, but above everything else at life in other communistic states that have already more freedom than in Russia. September 1965 Question : Political leaders hold the opinion that they can do as they please. They are not afraid of a HIGHER responsibility and retribution. How can one convince them of their mistake? ARGUN : World politics is not quite prepared to not get involved in the demise of this beautiful Earth. GOD’S ORIGINAL ENERGY, namely nuclear energy, is not delved into in order to maintain life, but mainly in order to destroy and to annihilate life. GOD’S ORIGINAL ENERGY produces fire, heat, water, frost and the seasons. It has however reached a point where nuclear research is not conducted for its own sake, but with nuclear fission in mind that can destroy all life forms, ergo everything physical. Such a situation has never existed on Earth before. • There are many planets throughout the universe where people live. But planet Earth is unique in regards to the plan of total destruction of its terrestrial human beings. Question : How can one change this situation? AREDOS : No power on Earth is able to do this. Only GOD alone can interfere and HE will do so. Things will never happen according to what the human imagination can visualise. GOD called upon his HELPERS to support him. You are aware that the deployment of the SANTINER started long ago. • The reformation of the Earth will be implemented from the clouds. The point in time is Day X and not even the LORD’S angels know when that the day comes, but it will be a day of enlightenment. January 1966 A glance into the future Well, whenever a new year starts the people on Earth want to know what the future holds for them. The future can neither be foretold from cards nor from lead castings. • The future results from GOD’S PLANNING and from the preparations mankind makes.