Our lessons for you

95 • This diminishing, respectively concentration of a time epoch is what the bible calls “times will shorten”. A DEVELOPMENTAL TARGET is naturally at hand and it will be achieved with the required acceleration. This humanity will not have to wait another epoch of 1,000 years to recognise and comprehend GOD’S REALM, but will already do so within a few years of future development . • This concentrated development will naturally also abridge , respectively condense evil’s reign of activity. Mankind’s fiendish and terrible attacks and derailments that would usually have spread across many centuries, now take place with accelerated speed and within a few years. It therefore comes as no surprise that you live such a terribly hectic life! The abridged time epoch makes the devil run for his negative existence – but he runs in vain , because GOD’S infallible JUSTICE is much, much faster than he assumes. This is why the negative influence will come to an apocalyptical end, an end that zeros in on the devil with ever increasing speed. 39. Epilogue (Words from the SPHERES of LIGHT) Most people do not take the devil’s existing spirit serious, even though they willingly align with his inspirations. They look upon him as a fairytale figure . The devil craves wars and chaos and the people dutifully arm themselves and mutually destroy one another. The devils’ handicraft gives people sufficient opportunities to contemplate and to finally acknowledge his existence. Why are they so unwilling to contemplate this? • He, who still enjoys the negative in all its hues, is still incapable of making such a decision! Mankind finds itself in that trap. Those that want to free themselves from this trap - and can free themselves from this trap - increase in numbers The idealists within freedom movements are the best examples that this is so. No human being likes to be regarded as dumb. This is why the antagonist uses this ingenious ploy to call man’s religiousness stupidity, “opium for the masses”, and atheism the crowning glory of scientific cognisance . This is where the scientist’s tendency, to not concede that Mother Nature has a supervisory INTELLIGENCE in control, therefore no PLANER, CREATOR or GUIDE, comes from. – GOD is ignored. • The real stupidity of this behaviourism lies in one’s fear of GOD’S justice. One prefers to invent the most terrible things in order not to be exposed to a higher RESPONSIBILITY. People who think and act in a positive way do not have to shy away from higher RESPONSIBILITIES. GOD’S justice is no incubus to them. GOD is not cruel. To foster animosities against one’s fellow men is godless in thought and action and this without exception. This attitude can also not be justified by insisting that is happens for religious reasons or even in GOD’S name.