Our lessons for you

92 All messages about a forthcoming world catastrophe and about a divine “tribunal” are wrong; they come from Lucifer’s helpers. They contain deadlines and instructions that are designed to create panic amongst people. Lucifer believes that later on, once all of these terrifying messages have been exposed as lies and deceptions , he will have destroyed any beliefs in regards to supernatural faith and knowledge. – One will then no longer believe any medium and any genuine message! • Immediately throw all panic creating messages into the fire! • The danger does not come from GOD, but from man. Man creates his own calamities in this world! 36. What really takes place (Transmission from the year 1961) The bible prophesies an apocalyptical cleansing of this Earth. This is why many people believe to be able to glean from these signs of the times that the catastrophic end of the world has begun. They live in fear and trepidation in regards to the near future in spite of their faith. Astrologers have calculated that an alignment of the planets will take place in the spring of 1962 and that this unique constellation must trigger something extraordinary here on Earth. The political world situation has reached such a critical point that even the highest of the highest within nations know not where to turn. What can we really expect? As the people on Earth cannot assess this question at their own discretion , only the spiritual realm can give an answer: The divine message for mankind on this Earth is: “ Do n o t b e a f r a i d ! ” This mankind had a SAVIOUR born amongst its midst that did suffer an earthly death, but who, according to the LAWS of the ALMIGHTY, is certainly not dead in the way the people on Earth interpret dead. This SAVIOUR lives a spiritual EXISTENCE. HE established an ORGANIZATION over the last two millennia that will provide and guarantee the redemption of a seduced and falsely informed humanity and this without fail! • The whole, enormous assembly of all the forces in the SERVICE of DIVINITY in the here and the hereafter has led to a situation where Satan and his sinister realm has been cornered to such a way that all the demons have concentrated on this Earth. – An unprecedented battle is taking place behind the scenes of the universe. Most people are completely unaware of this momentous situation, it doesn’t however mean the end of the world, only the end of the machinations or the demonic forces , which thrash about like a shark at the end of a fishing line. D o n o t b e a f r a i d ! This battle will also come to an end. GOD a l one w i l l be t he v i c t o r !