Our lessons for you

8 Passed over to the spiritual realm in 1983. 4 Our LESSONS for you (Transmission from the year 1967) We can observe a universe where provisions have been made for every creature, whether animated or inanimate and every possible circumstance has been thought out. • Nothing is hidden from GOD! – There are no secrets, even for you. However, you must journey the long path of experience and every mystery will eventually become a matter of course. The same applies to the TRUTH we continually point out to you. • GOD’S LAWS always apply and they will do so for ever. A part of our assignment is to teach you that LOVE is immortal and that your existence is eternal. The grave will not separate you, if you are connected to one another with the GOLDEN BAND of LOVE. We would like to teach you that everything can be conquered with good will, if LOVE is stronger. LOVE is actually the most powerful FORCE in the universe. It must pass through many instruments before you can understand its meaning. We endeavour to impart to you the revelations of the divine SPIRIT that is inexhaustibly expressed within infinite nature. Only once human beings have developed to a degree where they are able to recognise their eminent assignment will they be able to decide to fulfil their allocated assignment. We have a very clear understanding of our own assignment, because we are somewhat ahead of you in our human development. It is important that the people living on Earth comprehend that they are not completely separated from the spiritual realm. We put great importance in staying in cooperative contact with you, but not – as has been the case – in a way where the demons have a powerful say in the matter because you have given them the opportunity to do so. The seeds of TRUTH cannot grow where the heart is not willing. It can only grow in the heart of an accepting soul, in the heart of a soul that is willing to receive the TRUTH and willing to follow the TRUTH wherever it takes it. But you have to come to grips with your own experiences life confronts you with, before you reach a stage where the TRUTH can reside in you. This will be the case after your fate has dealt you such terrible setbacks that you began to feel very lonely, because you found life to be hard, bitter and unfriendly, well, because you believed that you were neglected and forgotten. However, the soul grows through unpleasantness and hardships, remember: A diamond only becomes valuable after it has been polished. – • Reject everything your common sense doesn’t agree with! • Rebuff everything that seems strange to you! I am a human being just like you, but I have already travelled a great distance along the PATH of LIFE. I have travelled along a path that makes it possible for me to tell you what you can expect once you step across death’s threshold in order to begin a new and more elaborate existence, one that is your destiny and one that you should prepare for here on Earth.