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72 25.3 Nuclear tests Question : (1956) Will nuclear tests continue? ARGUN : The sciences just don’t want to do without them. The sciences are determined to promote the end of the world a little. Nuclear power has always been there and there has always been enough to go around. It created fire, heat, water, frost and the four seasons. What is now researched is not nuclear fission but splitting the atom in order to destroy all life forms, all physical matter. • There are many planets throughout the universe that are similar to planet Earth, but in regards to its plans for complete annihilation, the Earth is unique. Question : (1969) The world lives in constant fear of a nuclear war. What is your opinion in regards to this situation? ELIAS : The armaments race has reached a stage where the major players are no longer prepared to take such a risk. A nation willing to start a nuclear war knows right from the start that this would be suicide. You therefore do no have to fear a nuclear war, a nuclear war is well nigh impossible. It is a completely different situation with lesser nations, they like the odd altercation! Question : Is it true that nuclear tests and rocket tests trigger natural catastrophes? ELIAS : Certainly. –Scientists are well aware of this fact, but they also know that a nuclear war would also trigger such natural catastrophes that would have an even greater effect than the bomb . People would be completely powerless against these catastrophes. This is why one guards against a nuclear war. A veritable sword of Damocles hovers over planet Earth. However for as long as it remains there, there will be no nuclear war. In this regards it is quite useful that the super powers do have atom bombs, this makes everybody tremble with fear . Conventional wars will still be fought. The required intelligence is still lacking here. 26. Man’s wickedness is immense (Transmission from the year1958) Meteorologists, nuclear physicists and technicians in these fields of knowledge insist, partially out of ambition and partially out of ignorance, that nuclear explosions have no influence on the weather. However the world had to find out that after every one of these explosions natural catastrophes took place in certain areas. We are particularly talking about the humongous amounts of water that fall down to Earth, causing enormous devastations. These meteorologists however feel responsible for the welfare of nations and this is why they don’t want to lessen the effect super weapons have on mankind’s security. This is why they insist that the present (1958) weather catastrophes are due to a maximum number of sunspots. One points out that it has “ always ” rained more or less and that these catastrophes are “ very natural ” and nothing to do with the atom bomb.