Our lessons for you

55 Man continuously returns to a “strait jacket”, ergo to planet Earth. Man must continue to return to a “correctional institute” so that his redemption can continue. However only very, very few are the exception. This has nothing to do with church religion. Man’s process of redemption is beyond any religious denomination . A question of convention and decency. There are a few know-it--all that believe that the whole world would change at an instant if all the people on Earth were aware of what they’re faced with after their demise. However this is quite incorrect! • Knowledge alone is not enough, especially if it isn’t abided by! Just one example: Many people are aware that smoking is unnatural and detrimental to one’s health. They read statistics about heart attacks, cancers and other afflictions. But they still do not lift one finger to give up this dangerous habit. • Knowledge about the danger doesn’t change anything , only one’s good will does! 22. About violence (Transmission from the year 1967) Well, man creates all the required prerequisites for evil to gain control over him. Man is surprised to find that he lives in a hostile world, but he is unaware that he has contributed to this hostility over thousands of years. The solution to any problem always takes place with the application of force and coercion. The human thought process therefore believes that GOD, as the ALMIGHTY, would have to change the situation on Earth with force . Violence therefore rates higher than common sense. • But common sense has to rate higher than violence! Violence in the hands of the people on Earth, in its wider application, has always resulted in death and destruction. However one hopes that GOD and HIS HELPERS will participate with even more violence. This will never happen, because GOD reigns with LOVE and with COMMON SENSE! The prophesied apocalypse is therefore incorrect ! • An apocalypse can only be initiated by man on Earth; it is never an act of GOD! Any damage effected through the misuse of violence will return like a boomerang. One cannot escape this situation even after one’s demise, because one returns to Earth and one must therefore accept and also eliminate the damage done. A dangerous ignorance in regards to spiritual things stops one from recognising this danger. Mankind’s leaders have been on the wrong track for thousands of years, because they pay homage to violence and they utilise it for their own means. Where rationality stops, violence begins. Rationality is akin to logic and logic is DIVINE ! • The greater the violence, they greater seems the prestige to man on Earth. One tends to forget in the process that rationality actually deserves more prestige. Mankind is now of the opinion that GOD does not exist, because no punishment is meted out. One is aware that sinning is rampant and one is not backward in trying to lure the CREATOR from his