Our lessons for you

51 According to the images conjured up by the church, people are immediately transformed into radiant, indescribably happy beings, after they have crossed the threshold of death. They apparently will have left all their troubles, hardships and fears behind. Howe v e r t h i s i s c e r t a i n l y n o t t h e c a s e ! This image is far from being a true depiction of the facts. Spiritualism 6 helped religion built an unshakable foundation in regards to assuredness and dependability . People may fight over theological dogmas nobody can verify, but a lot of satisfactory evidence in regards to life after death has been forthcoming and this should really convince every judicious person. But this is just the beginning and not the end! • It is necessary that those that do not possess this graphic depiction of the facts gain the assuredness that the foundation of this knowledge is true and genuine! Returning to your world is certainly not something one could describe as gratifying . However the reality of my imposed assignment and the help gained from your LOVE makes me come back over again in order to do whatever I can to help those that need my help and those that appreciate the glorifying assistance I am able to offer. All of us are connected with one another through the undying SPIRIT! 20.1 Questions and answers Question : Man is supposed to possess his freedom of choicel . Is it actually proper that man possesses this freedom? ARGUN : One may certainly not suppress man’s free will. But one has to ascertain that this or that decision is incorrect . This is the only way man can be trained to think logically. • Any coercion stands in the way of logic. Question : Where are the limits of one’s freedom of choice? ARGUN : They lay within the scope of realising the possible. The limits are there, where the decision has the power to permute judgment into action. Question : What does the spiritual realm make of the word “battle”? ARGUN : You understand it to mean aggression, but a battle can also have positive goals. How often you confuse these terminologies: Joy de vivre is often replaced by battle for survival . When these types of expressions are continuously misapplied , they will 6 Please do not confuse spiritualism with spiritism!