Our lessons for you

45 eventual demise. Question : Many people here on Earth are virtually forced to take part in negative actions, they have to participate. What are we to make of this? ARGUN : These people participate because they are not willing to make sacrifices ; non- participation demands renunciation ! – They don’t put up a fight and before they know it, it’s too late. They often adopt the opinion of others without stopping to think. This is wrong, because they forget to test the opinion of others. They are then no longer able to extricate themselves from the mistake they’ve made, even though they feel that something is amiss. Question : Almost all nations have always thought that GOD was on their side, because they allegedly fight for a just cause. Does GOD really take sides? Answer : I will not allow any nation, however just it may be, to imagine that the GREAT SPIRIT sides with any party. • GOD is THE LAW! If you do what is right, you automatically place yourself in harmony with the effects of the natural LAW. There is no inducement to create an augmented “deity” that will muster everything in its power to help you in your hour of need. A lot of people unfortunately have a similar opinion, namely that they don’t exclude the possibility of a personal God. If say “personal” I mean that in a human sense. 17. The LAW of LOVE (Transmission from the year 1959) LOVE is word that is used a lot, but it is an even greater concept. Your whole existence and also your future is influenced and depends wholly and solely on LOVE. If you presently dread your future, if you are scared about a terrible war or if you have to suffer in any other way, you only do so because you are insufficiently informed about LOVE. • LOVE represents the highest LAW throughout the universe! When unwritten LAWS are trespassed against, the repercussions are enormous. He, who infringes on the eminent LAW of LOVE in any way, cannot avoid the grave ensuing repercussions in any way either; they act like a very potent poison. – LOVE, on the other hand, is the most powerful force in the universe; it is highly creative , perennial and consistent , because it established the whole universe with its spiritual ENERGY. Divine LOVE also plays an important role in the polarity between good and evil that has unfortunately been established. It can turn negative without actually losing any of its ENERGY. If this is the case it will turn into hatred and this hatred prefers destruction to construction. You know very little about the mysterious LAW of LOVE even though it is GOD’S greatest CHARACTERISTICS. What most people understand under “love” is the drive to reproduce , which does receive its impetus