Our lessons for you

40 of all the other nations! Do not believe for a moment that Buddhists, Moslems or Christians are an exception. • There is more to a genuine FAITH in GOD than a cult or a dogmatic religious denomination. True FAITH in GOD takes the KNOWLEDGE that only self-redemption applies. CHRIST and other eminent TEACHERS have pointed this out. But all religious denominations possess a wrong interpretation about life and death of man on Earth. – There is no death!! Let’s assume that due to a political scheme, all of you on Earth lose your freedom and turn into martyrs of an insane idea. What would be the consequences? – A victory for hell! It would not show mercy for anybody. Mankind would be destroyed and this without a superlative war. Due to intolerance, ungodliness and a lot of suffering, due to overexertion, diseases and immorality and also due to trespasses against Mother Nature, so many people would die over the next generations that the healthy viability of the human race would no longer be possible. No matter whether East or West, whether with or against a religion or another denomination, this power-play with threats and nuclear missiles is not just a terrestrial tragedy , but a CONTEST that clairvoyant prophets have already seen in a visionary show! • Your unimaginable mistake was to listen to the false dogmas of your priests, who have either given faith a death knell or have turned it into a veritable commercial enterprise. Russia’s national soul has lost its faith through these commercial enterprises and the rest of the nations believe in the forgiving of sins, even though they put each other to the sword in great numbers. However GOD lives as an INTELLIGENCE without a brain , because HE is not incarnated! 16.1. Questions and answers Question : Mankind becomes more nervous be the minute, Can you tell us the main reason for this pathological development? Does this have something to do with the looming dangers of wars? ARGUN : The whole world knows that weapons exist that could bring about the end of the world. This knowledge produces a communal neurosis . The real effects of this neurosis will be felt by the children, that is to say, by your descendants . When they take charge of their physical inheritance. 5 Question : Can people’s negative thoughts trigger catastrophes? ARGUN : No, that is not possible. Thoughts alone do not possess the POWER to trigger large catastrophes. Wars can also not be triggered through the thoughts of people, only through the willpower of those that exclusively deal with it and those that have the power in their hands. Question : Disputes often lead to altercations that are often bloody affairs. The same applies to wars. Do disputes attract negative spirits, respectively, negative souls? 5 This has become quite apparent over the last decades.