Our lessons for you

35 • The effect is not just restricted to this planet or to your life on Earth. Its major effect is a COSMIC PROCESS, one that eludes your eye and your scientific instruments. Your are unfortunately completely ignorant about this effect and even the most eminent researchers and pundits amongst you are as ignorant as children when it comes to these powerful, occult effects. What do you know about the laws of nature? – You are only familiar with a tiny fraction, but you already boast about how much you know. You already have the criminal audacity to test the laws of nature to see to what degree they can influence to change the macrocosm and the microcosm . We are completely aware of all your intensions in this regards, because we are the LORD’S authorised and constant OBSERVERS. We therefore also know that the technicians and scientist of this Earth would like to give the moon an atomic impetus in order to force it to rotate, because your curiosity has never stopped you from committing a sinful act. However there are also other LAWS, they are also part of the laws of nature and therefore also GOD’S LAWS. These LAWS do not remain hidden from you; but they do not become part of your scientific knowledge in spite of this , because these are very uncomfortable LAWS! These uncomfortable LAWS do neither deal with your physical existence nor with the material aspects of your planet, but they are still the most important LAWS and they concern all of you. We are dealing with the LAWS of your real existence, your thoughts and all of your senses. We are specifically dealing with the LAWS of the immortality of the SPIRIT here, also of your human soul. You have a certain inkling about these LAWS, but just like the way you deal with all the other laws of nature you do not try to get to the bottom of them. • These spiritual LAWS scare you. You do not want to deal with them, because they are irrevocable and the consequences could be absolutely terrible! Th i s i s wh e r e t h e s c i en c e s c ommi t a c a rd i n a l s i n ! This is where you skirt the centre of all wisdom. This is where you avoid the issue like the plague. This is where the sciences try to dodge GOD. This is where researcher and pundit disown nature. This is where they disown GOD, because GOD and nature are one and the same. GOD’S INTELLIGENCE is in every cell, in every molecule, in every atom and beyond that in all the cosmic space between the atoms. • GOD’S SPIRIT is something completely SELF-CONTAINED and it doesn’t show the slightest crack or microscopic gap. However you would like to select the LAWS you want to explore. The pleasant LAWS, the ones that can be manipulated, are your favourites . However the less pleasant LAWS, the ones that cannot be manipulated , the ones that unrelentingly strike and demand account from you, they are the one you evade with lies and disinterest. Poor humanity! 13.1 Questions and answers Question : (1962) Is it possible for astrological influences to radically change the world we live in?