Our lessons for you

24 7.1 Questions and answers Question : It would be of great interest to us to find out whether you contradict some of the thoughts we expressed or whether comments were made you cannot agree with? SILBERBIRKE: I ask you for your opinion and not mine. I have listened to your expositions with great interest. Your questions were correct and pertinent. I only wanted to add something, namely that the saying “Ask and you shall receive!” is true. However the question must be genuine and the soul has to be in a state of mind that enables it to accommodate the right answer to its question; that’s what this is all about. • You hardly ever receive the answer you would like to hear, because you receive answers that are appropriate in regards to your present development . We are completely guided by your development. Question : How do you assess those that gain knowledge about spiritual TRUTHS, respectively, NEW REVELATIONS and still reject them? ELIAS : All that are confronted with this TRUTH will eventually come back to it – even if they reject it to begin with. These people will have to contemplate this TRUTH at decisive moments in their lives. They will one day gain great benefits from it . Question : In a television interview, a female theologian was asked about the meaning of life . She answered that this was a question only “children” ask and she was therefore not prepared to answer it. What has the spiritual realm to say to this? Answer : We are dealing with the most important question anyone can ever ask. • The meaning of life consists in the redemption of the spirit! All of one’s life, here and in the hereafter, only deals with perfecting and redeeming. As one single life is not enough to achieve this, man must undergo a series of stages. Any theologian should at least know that much! Question : Can you explain the word “life” in a positive way? ARGUN : One’s existence consists of a LIFE here and in the hereafter with one’s EGO remaining intact with its entire energy and individuality. Question : In our interactions with you we deal with the most diverse themes. A cursory glance might indicate to someone that not all of them deal with peace. Is this so or are there greater coherences involved? ELIAS : All positive messages and doctrines coming from the spiritual realm’s SOURCES aim to instigate peace amongst people. Every message, every word you publish is a message of peace, respectively an appeal for peace.