Our lessons for you

20 • Freedom should always be preferred to slavery. Slavery is injustice! – Freedom is justice. All who support slavery are completely in the wrong. Those that fight for freedom (without weapons) are on the right track. 6. What is freedom? (Transmission from the year 1964) I contemplate all questions in the LIGHT of the unfolding spirit. I see man in the form of a spirit that endeavours to express itself in a physical body. But I see millions of people whose spirit is oppressed, smothered and squelched . Yes, I see many who have to live in oppression and I know that it is wrong for their spirit to be held in captivity. • The spirit aught to be free! The spirit should glow in the sun’s radiant knowledge and all noble characteristics should be automatically expressed through it. True freedom is the ideal that depends on the development and unfoldment of the individual. For as long as you are not in possession of the KEY that leads to KNOWLEDGE, your concept of freedom is parsimonious . And I tell you that you are unaware about what true freedom is all about. • Once you become aware that man is a spirit, you also become aware that everything in your world that wants to hinder this spirit from expressing itself is wrong. Those that try to suppress the spirit must be rendered powerless to do this. True freedom doesn’t mean that every human being can do as he or she pleases, that they may indulge in every fancy and caprice or gratify their every propensity. • Freedom implies a high degree of responsibility and understanding! The reason why every human being is here on Earth must also be recognised. It is your assignment to be co-operative, to live a life of service, to help one another. Those amongst you with special gifts ought to share them with those that do not possess them and to help those that are not as happy as you are! • All the KNOWLEDGE, the wisdom and understanding you received through your unfoldment ought to be offered to those that do not possess all of this. This will help them to realise the freedom of the spirit, the mind and the body – things that are still kept from them even now. The spirit was created to be free , because it is a part of the GREAT SPIRIT of all life and it is beyond human restrictions. It is only subject to the natural LAWS of the universe, which form the guidelines the spirit has to express itself within. There is absolutely no demand for a philosophical dissertation in regards to sovereign freedom, which means anarchy anyway. Something I would like to point out to you is: