Our lessons for you - Addendum 1

49 ARGUN : This is a major and serious problem. All of you live in a community of more or less open-minded people. • It isn’t your obligation as open-minded spiritualists to put up with everything. This is also not your mission. You should also not allow yourselves to be ridiculed by others as servants of your faith. This is not according to GOD’S wish. You should know that GOD exists and that life here and in the hereafter is beautiful, but that it also has its duties. Having this insight doesn’t make you slaves of your faith by a long shot. You certainly know more , your life has gained a different meaning and you aim at completely different targets. But it is not a case where you serve GOD’S commandments and relieve others of their own obligations. But it is also not HIS will for you to crawl on your hands and knees in front of HIM. Your soul and spirit are free . It is left up to you what you start with it. You are completely free and GOD does not demand a tariff. Comment: All spontaneously asked questions are instantly answered and this at a high writing tempo . Neither the medium nor the participants have time to contemplate the questions being asked. Question : Are we allowed to condemn other people’s mistakes? ARGUN : Yes, but you should not feel better for having done so. No arrogance! Always judge things with humility. Nobody is beyond making mistakes. Question : How should one behave if attacked maliciously? ARGUN : One should conquer one’s own feelings when faced with vileness, suppress one’s anger and remain fair in one’s thoughts and one’s actions. December 1960 Question : What does the denotation fate mean to you? ARGUN : The course of your life on Earth is recorded. But if you interfere with its course yourselves in order to change it, you create your own terrestrial fate. Life on Earth is a sluice, like a water gate: Souls are thus sorted during their life on Earth and they are then guided into the spiritual realm, respectively into various spheres. Question : Ever increasing noise levels have a detrimental effect on one’s health. Which of these effects is of particular eminence? ARGUN : The results are depression, bad concentration, disequilibrium, gastric troubles, nervousness and petulance . These are the reasons why houses should be constructed some distance from traffic. And there are also additional dangers from exhaust gases. It is imperative that a new form of fuel is developed, one that produces reduced amounts of exhaust gases. A start has already been made in this respect. Question : It is said that occultism was born in the East. Is this correct?