Our lessons for you - Addendum 1

42 Question : Dear ARGUN, there are a lot of cases where people are so provoking, disagreeable and nervous , that it is impossible to get along with them. How can one best behave towards them? They can so easily turn into a danger to one’s mental health. ARGUN : These people are at times the victims of their environment, because they are not understood. We are dealing with sensitive souls and sensitive nerves; because people with a physically coarse make-up are less sensitive . • Understanding must rate higher than condemnation, harmony is otherwise impossible. Harmony is your primary duty as a citizen. This is where the opinions of the realm of spirit differ from those of your world. Question : Most people reject all indoctrinations in regards to self-improvement. For how long should one deal with these people when it seems so hopeless? AREDOS : Those that only condemn their fellow men and fail to see their positive core have remained stationary in their own development or retrogressed. Good advice may not be given under duress, but only at the right time and by bringing genuine LOVE into action. • A grain of corn may well fall on rocky ground, but a lot of mighty trees stand on the hardest rocks and they are usually better anchored than in soil. You must only identify the smallest crack, the slightest fissure in order to deposit a grain of corn; it will then proceed to crack open any type of rock with its divine energy. - This is how you deal with a stony heart! To believe that the negative is more powerful than the positive is a great mistake. Goodness will always prevail , but you have to give it time . March 1960 How things are (Author H. V. Speer) It would be quite unphilosophical to deny the existence of occult apparitions because they cannot be explained with our present day level of science. – A jet flew over a village and - due to its high velocity - a barn collapsed. One could not have explained such a phenomenon 20 years ago, because such high velocities were unheard of. But laws came into effect in this case that we had no inkling of 20 years ago. Supernatural phenomena are equally astonishing, but certainly not unnatural . When adding all places of worship from all over the world together and then calculates their actual value and their time of develop , an enormous amount, one would logically arrive at the conclusion that all of our forebears were absolutely crazy unless GOD and a realm of the spirit really exist. Millions and millions of people had personal supernatural experiences for millennia. These experiences stretch across the whole world, across islands and continents. Even the most primitive peoples and races know without scientific explanations that a REALM beyond our existence exists. The fact that these people are afraid of it and accordingly attempt to protect themselves from it is due to their ignorance in regards to the purpose and might of such a DOUBLE WORLD whose naturalness is found in its polarity. Superstition is therefore the wrong approach in regards to a natural, but otherworldly world.