Our lessons for you - Addendum 1

39 This form of communication was something natural to them. They always knew what others meant, even though the process wasn’t clear to them. They did not communicate through words, but through telepathically send concepts. Question : How did a language develop amongst the first human beings? ARGUN : Their aptitude in regards to telepathy also allowed them good contact with the world of the hereafter. The first human beings were invariably highly psychic . • The world of the hereafter participated in the development of a language via this mental form of communication. Question : What kind of great cosmic events can we expect in the near future and how can we protect ourselves from them? ARGUN : They will appear as phenomena . But my dear friend, do not worry. They will indeed leave enormous impressions behind, but they will do no damage. The year 1959 The truth requires a mark of quality The prophet stands on top of a mountain and the people listen to him. But can one believe his words? – We encountered this with Adolf Hitler and with Stalin and we still experience this nowadays in a similar form. False prophets allegedly also proclaim the truth. Whom can the people really believe? A man of flesh and blood approaches and talks of GOD’S words and laws. – Can we believe him? Extensive experience tells us that beguilers are always at work. – Is there actually such a thing as a mark of quality in regards to the pure truth? A long message is transmitted during a spiritual meeting. All the participants are convinced that they are hearing the truth, because they witnessed this supernatural event first hand. But they find out later that all they heard were nothing but lies. – Where is security, where is truth when even messages from the OTHER WORLD are falsified or turn or to be a pack of lies? – The masses will believe when the truth comes with a visible mark of quality and the people will believe unconditionally when this mark is present, even if they’re dealing with the greatest nonsense. Unfortunately! – The present day marks of quality are: Newspapers, radio, the proclamations of political parties and lectures in lecture rooms. Everything that emanates from these sources is canvassed as the truth and believed by the public – at least until it is exposed for what it is one day. These alleged marks of quality in regards to the truth are no marks of quality at all! The press for instance is everything but a divine mouthpiece. Newspapers are rather more mouthpieces for EVIL: Instigation, lies, sensationalism, exaggeration, money-spinning, materialism, unscrupulousness and party politics. These are their characteristics to a more or lesser degree. – Radio is a kind of oral newspaper and does not lag behind in all of the above mentioned characteristics. – Universities do not just teach the last scientific insights, they also traditionally teach all the errors of the past. Individual fields of knowledge strongly promote oppositeness. There are university professors that promote different opinions and combat one another with hatred in their hearts. – There are Nobel Prize winners who go up against other Nobel Prize winners by accusing them of being wrong. This