Our lessons for you - Addendum 1

32 scars ”. A lot of professors and doctors in all fields of knowledge all over the world verified that in spite of lots of scars on their faces, they still lack genuine courage. A true test of courage does not require a mensur scar and also no duel. – Genuine courage is solely found in one’s solid character in regards to the truth, brotherly love and love of GOD. – Of what use is a mensur scar, even if acquired under bloody circumstance, if a student thus marked as being of solid character, later denounces or hides his insights, his personal experiences, his religion, his occult adventures and his personal conviction that an SUPERNATURAL WORLD exists, from his colleagues and from the world at large, when he is absolutely ashamed of this truth and when he is embarrassed to say the word “GOD”? – A genuine test of courage is to openly avow all of this to the whole world, without regard to the derision of others; this especially applies to proud academics! January 1959 The belief in prophets Human beings have been very inquisitive since time immemorial and they would like to see into the future. In spite of people’s battle against superstitions, this has remained like this to this very day. Clairvoyants and fortune tellers, palm readers and gypsies exploit this area. But the prophets of the Bible, who received their visions and messages from a world that is superior to ours, are still being taken very serious. One takes a very close look at their traditional prophesies and would like to predict the future of our world from them. Let’s look at – besides Nostradamus – the Revelations of John . A symbolic vision of our age is described with great accuracy. It literally states: Revelations: 9: 1 – 7: “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet. I saw a star which had fallen down to earth…smoke pour out of it like smoke from a large furnace. Locusts came down out of the smoke upon the earth and they were given the same kind of power that scorpions have…The locusts looked like horses ready for battle, on their heads they had what seemed to be crowns of gold and their faces were like men’s faces…and the sound made by their wings was like the noise of many horse-drawn chariots rushing into battle.” We can see that this vision deals with present day aeroplanes. – There are however further passages in these revelations that describe our times very clearly. This bodacious prophesy however ends up describing a great divine tribunal. We are now bewildered by the future, a future that seems calamitous to us according to this prophesy whose numerous descriptions have stood the test of time. Theologians and the many sects engaged in researching the Bible, particularly the Jehovah’s Witnesses , but also various other media, emphatically point to these revelations, because they assume that a great tribunal will bring about the separation between good and evil in the near future, that is to say, within our generation. As we are not able to answer this question ourselves, we asked an eminent otherworldly SEER, one that is also our good TEACHER in regards to these things. Let us allow ARGUN FROM THE GREAT HORIZON, as HE is called in the hereafter, to say a few words: ARGUN : Please imagine the following: I stand on top of a very high mountain and I look all round me. I naturally see more from this vantage point than somebody who lives down in the valley. My horizon is considerably expanded and I see things that lie beyond the horizon seen down in the valley. A lot of things are afoot that your average terrestrial citizen