Our lessons for you - Addendum 1

21 overcome a curse. People can deal with curses by asking GOD to send his heavenly HOSTS against the POWER of EVIL to battle against a blasphemous curse. Leader : What happens to someone if one thoughtlessly – as it happens at times – curses someone? ARGUN : This is of no consequence. It isn’t about the words, but the thoughts in one’s mind, when such a sentence is spoken . Such an utterance is damaging from an ethical as well as a religious point of view in spite of this. You know that there are positive and negative thoughts. If a strong urge or even hatred hides behind such thoughts, as it is often the case with negative thoughts, the effect of such thoughts can be catastrophic . Leader : Can one say that thoughts generally have the greater power than the spoken word? ARGUN : Absolutely! – Do you believe that only the words and gestures of a great people seducer (Hitler) impressed you so much? – No, it was his spirit , his thoughts, his enormously fanatical thoughts. Such thoughts have the potential to enormously increase in volume, because thoughts are nothing but OSCILLATIONS. Question : Some of the letters we receive sometimes mention that people that had good thoughts wrote them down, but that they unfortunately remain in the drawers of desks to gather dust, because they cannot be published. It this precious stash of thoughts now lost forever? ARGUN : To some degree, physically speaking, yes. But then again no, because the thoughts, the knowledge they express, silently enter the cosmos, that is to say, that these thoughts are assimilated by invisible, inquisitive souls. These souls can then inspire another people somewhere down the line. • This is how inventions and discoveries are sometimes simultaneously made on different continents. Psychic reporting The phenomenon of LIGHT becomes visible over again. Psychic guests from all over the world, who once participated at the Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin as guests, concordantly confirm the presence of a LIGHT PHENOMENON around the medium . The devotional room is a shrine of indoctrination for eminent MESSENGERS of LIGHT, whose emanations have the following colours according to data provided by seers: White – orange – blue – gold . A larger, oval-shaped ring of light is shown over the drawing medium Uwe Speer , its colour: Light-blue . – We asked our spirit GUIDANCE: ARGUN : Yes, this light is the PROTECTIVE AURA of the medium, something we created over the medium, because base ENTITIES try to attack the medium. The following are extracts from a trance-talk by a Hamburger medium who was a guest of the Peace Circle . This medium received a MESSENGER of LIGHT portrait as a gift that was drawn by the MESSENGER of LIGHT JOHN SHERIDAN. The medium cried for joy and gratefulness. “Peace be with you – peace be with you – peace be with all of you! –