Nicotine and alcohol

- 7 -  Under normal circumstances all perceptions must proceed via the carnal, physical organs and this only allows the physical aspects the reach the soul’s consciousness. If this safeguard was not in place, you would gain an insight into and perceive both sides of divine CREATION at the same time and you would be able to interact with them on a common, conscious level.  But this would deprive you of any opportunity for development and trial on a physical bases. The physical world represents a preparatory school for the spiritual GYMNASIUM. Your psychologists and doctors would progress a lot faster , if they would comprehend these two items! The stipulation, that adolescents must be sexually educated in order for them acquire a concept of lust and love, crops up everywhere. But this is the greatest nonsense we have ever come across. Negativity must be behind this. 1  The actual education these young people need is that they are informed about the damages that can arise from smoking and drinking . There are films that proclaim this very vividly. - But one can do without sexually explicit films! But enormous amounts of money are made from sex and cigarettes and also alcohol. The captains of industry defend their vices with all available means. Take into consideration that almost all political leaders indulge in these vices. They destroy their health, but they want to govern mankind with ailing brains! We, from the positive spiritual regions are categorically against all smoke related and narcotic drugs! Questions and answers: Question : Does drunkenness diminish one’s accountability? AREDOS : Your mundane legislation is incorrect in a lot of situations. Many laws have the exact opposite effect . Instead of punishment or rehabilitation, they dish out reduced sentences or even acquit these sinners. This especially applies to drunkenness. In reality, every state of drunkenness represents a crime. One cannot excuse a crime committed whilst under the in- fluence of alcohol with something that in reality represents another crime.  Those that commit a crime whilst under the influence of alcohol must receive addition- al punishment, because in such a case, drunkenness must be an aggravating and not a mitigating factor. It is indeed a grave offence to have poisoned oneself intentionally , thus representing a danger to mankind. One’s accountability is certainly diminished. But everybody knows that ! The blame there- fore doesn’t lie with the alcohol, but with the drinker! 1 The AIDS epidemic is one example.