Nicotine, alcohol and drugs - Addenda

blood vessels of human beings also impairs the performance of the brain. Physicians and medical researchers do however not know that the brain passes this impairment on to the spirit body after people’s demise. Smoking does not just damage the body, abet illnesses and bring about changes to organs or produce mutations – it is also a dangerous poison for the soul. It is not the body that becomes addicted, the body wastes away , the soul becomes addicted , it loses its willpower, logic and memory and above everything else, its capacity to concentrate. The situation is much worse when an educated academic, a doctor, an anthropologist or a naturalist uses his reputation and ambitions to furnish the evidence, for money of course , that smoking is actually a healthy pastime! Smoking symbolises the presence of demons! Smoke and nicotine produces spots on the soul and they continue to be clearly visible on the soul’s reflections, like sunspots on the surface of the sun. The CREATOR created the Earth as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. Mankind on this planet turned this planet into the filthiest in the universe. This is why we must do something positive so that this universal shame is eliminated.” Bas Salzuflen, November 2012 Questions and answers The year 1959 Question : Is people’s common sense impaired by alcohol? AREDOS : Those that imbibe poisons commit a crime. Alcohol impairs the functions of the brain and this is why the soul commits some independent acts. Such contacts with the SPHERES of the SPIRIT are always of a negative nature. Drunkards see the ASTRAL WORLD in their delirium. Question : Are there means to effectively combat smoker’s passion? ARGUN : First and foremost, the will for a positive change must be there, because the character of smokers usually develops along negative lines. • One can combat a nicotine addiction with ginger. This ginger must however be raw and consumed in minute quantities, because it is very tart and its overuse can easily dull one’s tastebuds. Question : What’s the situation with cocoa beans? ARGUN : Cocoa beans artificially doped the heart. One has to be careful with all luxury foods and stimulants like tea, coffee etc. that the body doesn’t develop a dependency, because it will otherwise suffer damage that will psychosomatically also affect the soul , because there are interrelationships between the body and the soul. • Caucasian make the mistake of using spices that are part of the diet of other races. They disregard the fact that they are not of these races and that they do not tolerate these spices because of their different development and constitution. It therefore comes as no surprise then that the consumption of these spices make them gradually ill, whilst it hardly effects the other races.