Invisible truth

92  Spiritual man can think and consider; he has a soul capable of feelings and is fully aware of his existence. This assessment is sometimes ignored, because is apparently wasn’t formulated by some academic team! The séances of the MFK-Berlin are not based on some Church related cult, but pure research into the hereafter with the aim to create complete clarification and to raise the spiritual level of mankind. Moreover, the participants in SPIRITUALISM have been trained for many years and are presently working in intellectual, above average positions. Senior medical officer Dr. Hermann Gerbis from Berlin has been a member of our meetings for more than ten years. He was absolutely convinced of the reality of the results. Other personalities, having taken part as guests on more than one occasion, were very impressed. There is no deception and no striving for material gain, only a faithful search for the objective TRUTH. The MFK-Berlin doesn’t need romantics or dreamers. The participating members asking the questions are well-experienced pedagogues. One therefore cannot talk about a non-academic circle. The results in part coincide with the output of other renowned circles. This congruence found in many areas is international! In regards to academic science, we can definitely say:  Scientific research in regards to the consciousness of man proceeds along completely wrong lines. Parallels or interrelated conditions between body and spirit should not deceive the sciences!  Human memories aren’t made up of engrams imprinted on the brain, but are present in the cosmos as VIBRATIONS, where they remain constant and always remain ready available . The brain isn’t here to think; rather the thinking process is routed through the brain, while man isn’t in a disembodied state! Once this absolute conclusion is accepted, academic research has to turn about and follow the plotted course. This would bring about a complete revaluation of millions of people, especially all the “mentally disturbed”. All the results from the séances of the MFK impressed scientists everywhere and led to new results. We’re aware that a lot of the results were published, but the original source of these results, namely the teamwork of the MFK-Berlin never got mentioned. We continue in spite of that, so we can fulfil our service to mankind. The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer) When people in America realised that intelligences from the spiritual realm could make their presence felt by knocks and by moving tables, this conclusion went right around the world like a wildfire. These types of séances were organised even in the highest of social circles. This profane spiritism is being exercised even today. But is spite of this, this type of contact with the hereafter has been discredited terribly. This failure is due to ignorance shown when dealing with the hereafter. The layman had a completely false