Invisible truth

70  Keep undisciplined enthusiast away, they don’t possess the calmness necessary for good experiments.  Also keep egotists away, because they are only occupied wit their own affairs and are promptly discontented, if they don’t receive personal messages. These people ruin the meetings!  Your groups ought to be composed of people with an unselfish attitude and of people who only see that in the experiments, which is of value to the general public and not that, which gives them personal pleasures!  Once a group has been assembled, a time and place for the meetings has to be established; if at all possible, the location for the meetings should be situated in a clean environment and the meetings should take place on a regular basis.  Nobody should have permission to enter the room whilst the meeting is in progress.  Before the meeting starts, all personal prejudice has to be put aside, If your soul is not at rest, you’ll disturb the proceedings.  You have to observe silently and keep all private conversation to a minimum, because it inhibits the spirits.  The temperament of the French often disturbs their meetings, whilst in England good results are achieved, because the task is approached in a sober manner. Apart from that, the English respect the authority of the spiritual LEADERS of the group absolutely and follow the rules that have been set for the common interest.  But the Germans don’t pay any attentions to the rules, they lack a spirit of conformity and waste a lot of time with discussions, time better utilised with regular and careful experiments. They go to the meetings full of enthusiasm but are then easily discouraged and treat the whole thing as a joke or just give up on their endeavours. The very best mediums are ineffective under these circumstances.  One generally seems to be of the opinion that psychic ability is a gift and that the person with this gift should place their capability at the disposal of other people free of charge . But one should take into consideration that the medium is prevented from gainful activities by exercising their talents. It is therefore only proper that one pays for their services. Eloquence is also a gift, so you pay your lawyers for their services. A beautiful voice is also a gift, so you pay the singer. The talent of an artist and the skills of a craftsman are also gifts. What happens if you pay the medium but there is no result? - You still have to pay for a lawsuit even if you loose. Questions and answers Question : (1972) Why are even humble mediums lied to by hoaxing spirits ? AREDOS : He who demonstrates his humility in public is unimaginably vain and egotistical. He wants to be publicly recognised and praised. His alleged humility is just a cover, hardly covering his sinfulness. But the hereafter sees everything! These apostles of humility are well-know for their ability to fast, thereby giving their acting even more impetus.