Invisible truth

68 It is actually a lot easier to make contact with the devil than with a MESSENGER of LIGHT. But if the Churches had negative experiences, they didn’t make any progress in regards to SPIRITUALISM and naturally this has its reasons, as we have quite often explained before. The holy bible states: “Knock and doors will open.” You shouldn’t knock on the wrong door though, as most are apt to do. Question : (1967) It there a crucial characteristics , whereby one can recognise a genuine communication with hereafter? AREDOS : Yes, absolutely. A lot of time it’s purely a lot of hogwash or religious romanticising. We don’t consider these as genuine even if they originate from the other side. Truely genuine MESSAGES originate from authorised , that is to say, from trained MESSENGERS of LIGHT from lofty SPHERES.  One can recognise these MESSAGES straight way by the indoctrination contained in them. MESSAGES without a momentous INDOCTRINATION shouldn’t be classified as otherworldly (positive). 8  In regards to trance speaking, one can recognise the genuineness also by the DOCTRINE , that is to say, by the indoctrination of behaviour for instance and about what they can expect in the future. With trance speaking, there usually is no full stop at the end of a sentence. Nearly all sentences are a jumble. This happens due the different speediness of thought between the medium and the COMMUNICATOR.  An otherworldly entity thinks a lot faster than an earthling does. The exploration of the spiritual realm (By Herbert Viktor Speer, May 1970) If one were asked to judge whether spiritual contacts are difficult or easy to establish, the following would have to be said about this: It’s possible for everybody to make such contacts. It all depends on patience, an interest in it and proper training . To make a comparison with something else, it’s like riding a bike: Once we worked out how to do it, the confidence to write a bike grows.  But it’s a lot harder to make solid and dependable CONTACT.  It is even harder to establish a FRIENDSHIP with someone from the hereafter. Concerning such a FRIENDSHIP, it is very important and in respect to the TRUTH, it’s most important. A FRIENDSHIP with a FRIEND from the hereafter can last for years. Our FRIENDSHIP with the MESSENGERS of LIGHT started in 1952. They were faithful, honest and dependable though all these years. Taking into consideration that the spiritual realm is very diverse, their punctuality is exemplary.  We are surrounded by entities that are similar to us. 8 This is another one of those meaningful answres one should absolutely try to remember when reading thses protocols and messages from the hereafter.