Invisible truth

6  Test the quality of all the psychic messages published by a working circle, these are the mirror image of the whole working circle, here and YONDER!  Positive INDOCTRINATIONS are identifiable by the TRUTHS, which are of a common interest and importance for all age groups . Private questions and arrangements don’t correspond with this high standard! Genuine INDOCTRINATIONS are a positive learning process of the highest order, shortening the individual path of spiritual evolution considerably and reduce a lot of unnecessary sorrow. Bad Salzuflen, June 1994 B e l s a z a r by Heinrich Heine As midnight drew nearer; Babylon rested in silent peace. Only high up in the kings castle, lights flickered, the king’s vassals clamoured. Up there in the throne room Belsazar enjoyed a king’s repast. The vassals sat in shimmering rows and emptied beakers full of sparkling wine. The beakers clanged, the vassals cheered; the king enjoyed the tumultuous mood. The king’s cheeks glowed: the wine gave him bold courage. The courage blindly carried him away, and God was blasphemed with sinful word. He throws out his chest and curses wildly: the vassals bellow their approval. The king exclaimed with prideful gaze; the servant rushes off and then returns. He carried lots of gilded gadgets on his head, taken from the temple of Jehovah. And the king grabbed with sacrilegious hand a holy chalice filled to the brim. He quickly downs it till it’s gone and calls aloud with foaming mouth: “Jehovah! I declare with eternal scorn, I’m the king of Babylon!” But hardly were those words pronounced, the king felt a muted fear. The shrill laughing came to an end; a solemn silence filled the hall. And look! and look! on whitewashed wall there appeared as if by human hand and wrote, and wrote on whitewashed wall letters of fire and wrote and vanished. “MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN” 1 The king sat mesmerised and stared, 1 The mysterious writing that appeared to Belsazar is often quoted as a divine warning, even in our time. “ Mene mene tekel upharsin” means “Weighted and found to be too light (therefore) ended and divided”. When camping, this glowing writing was seen in the night sky!