Invisible truth

31 physics for example) But academic researchers are still adhering to dogmas and beliefs, which have been drummed into them at academies and universities. Even thou the spiritual realm has a lot of similarities with our physical existence, other LAWS hold sway in the spiritual realm. University acquired knowledge of yesteryear and today cannot explore the spiritual realm. One has to switch to mind to zero, if one wants to research this sector.  Any dishonesty, any deceitful intention immediately connects you with human intelligences from the spiritual realm, devoid of any redeeming qualities. Religions generally speak of devils and demons, but they are mainly people living in the hereafter playing a devilish game. We had the opportunity to gain profound insights into the living conditions of the hereafter during more than 1,000 séances. If a circle - and may it be ever so small - is successful in making genuine contact with the hereafter, any doubt whether there is a hereafter quickly disappears. This conspicuous occurrence doesn’t come about because of positive messages, the exact opposite is true. One just couldn’t believe it possible that the phraseology of the fiendish otherworldly spirits is so distinctive and negative. Only after many attempts and some really serious endeavours to get to the TRUTH, will one succeed in contacting a more positive side.  Excellent permanent contact, that is to say, a good friendship with positive spirits only happens when the participants render faithful SERVICE to mankind . If this SERVICE is denied or only simulated, the messages received are by no means positive, even if they are fabricated to give that impression.  There are thousands of spiritual circles - and there are also thousands of psychic messages that represent true masterpieces of religious poetry; in spite of this, they are false and perversive. All of these circles lack the knowledge of the LAWS and opportunities of the hereafter. In addition to this, there is arrogance and negative self-appraisal of one’s own person. Humility is absolutely imperative! But humility is no lip service, but CHARITY for mankind. It is not enough to love just one person or one family and regard this a charity. Humility doesn’t concentrate on just a few people one considers dear friends. Humility is a good deed done to all of mankind without one exception and without demands for recognition! This is the only way terrestrial man can assimilate with the spirits, he hopes to receive the TRUTH and the very best from. Any other friendship is impossible because the spiritual realm is divided into spheres. One has to leave a sphere completely, if one wants to have access to a higher SPHERE.  If someone isn’t able to leave the lower levels, he is subjected to tomfoolery, but this hallelujah is pure blasphemy, because it comes from unclean souls.  A genuine contact with higher SPIRITUAL TEACHERS is a connection with GOD and a holy MISSION, which manifests itself in brotherly love. The exploration of the spiritual realm (Author: Herbert Viktor Speer, from the year 1970) The exploration of the hereafter isn’t less interesting and important than the exploration of the physical. The hereafter also belongs to the sphere of existence of man. Everyone comes from the