Invisible truth

26 The exploration of the spiritual realm (Author: Herbert Viktor Speer) As those otherworldly souls can write and draw according to their own talents, if they can find a suitable medium, we have received a number of symbolic drawings from them. These drawings are very informative and often tell you more than a whole discourse. These drawings come into being within seconds . They are easily interpreted and their momentous statements leave an extraordinary impression. One picture for instance shows a person with its arms extended downwards, hanging out of a closed book. The interpretation of this is easy: The soul, having arrived on the other side, is allowed to have a look into the “BOOK OF LIFE”. The burden of the recorded sins in this book nearly crushes this soul. This picture, in its simplicity and fateful warning, substitutes a parable of CHRIST. These psychic drawings, happening so quickly and spontaneously, even surprise the medium. But there are even larger pictures drawn, with even more varied and profound messages. One is a picture of a landscape with a border running through the middle of it. Footprints can be seen this side of the border but stop at the border. Someone has left items of clothing and other utensils behind right at the border. This impressive drawing indicates quite clearly that the people from Earth have to leave everything behind and that only the soul may cross this border. All of this belongs with all the other innumerable evidence we received from our otherworldly FRIENDS. They went to a lot of trouble to eliminate any doubt, may it be ever so slight.  Once the last doubts were removed, they could begin with the brilliant INDOCTRINATIONS, we can now offer our readers. We don’t feel the need for encouragement through evidence anymore. We know exactly which otherworldly INTELLIGENCE we’re dealing with during every séance. Unsavoury spirits, who’s symbolic drawings were even more convincing in demonstrating to us the lower spheres we call “hell”, interfered at the very beginning. These drawing happen against our moral and decent perceptions. Once a very rude drawing started to develop and before it was completed, it was energetically crossed out by another spirit. The GUARDIAN SPIRIT wrote underneath: “I forbid you to deal with riff raff!” These words were directed at the medium, which didn’t put its pencil down fast enough. But experience is important in everything we do and we also had to make our own experiences right from the start. To be able to validate the messages or drawings from the hereafter, those on the other side have often enough changed the perspective of their calligraphy. They drew or wrote diagonally or upside down, sometimes even used mirror writing. They make use of every one of their mental potentiality.  The famous Leonardo da Vinci also wrote mirror writing with exceptional speed. This fact alone should be definite proof that the famous painter was a medium. Views of a theologian (Published in 1964) The following are the views of a theologian, questioned about the subject of automatic writing and the problems of the materialisation phenomenon. Published in the Menetekel journal of the year 1964. 1. About automatic writing mediums :